Cloud spoke with a trembling voice, "This isn't over."

Sara rubs her eyes and stood up. She looks at Biggs and mutters, "I'll make sure that Shinra will pay for this."

Both her and Cloud wanted to keep their promise to Biggs, and they vowed they would. Cloud and Sara left Biggs alone as they continued going up the flight of stairs. They could hear the sounds of helicopters nearby, and one, in particular, shines its spotlight right in front of Cloud, who blocks the light with his hand. Then someone in the chopper speaks through a microphone and announces in a cocky voice.

"Testing, testing. Attention, Avalanche scum! We know all about your evil plans to destroy the pillar. But the Turks-ahem! But Shinra, that's us won't let you get away with it! So go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of or something!"

After a long pause, the spotlight moved away slightly, and then the same voice spoke again, "That oughta do it, right?"

Sara couldn't help but let out a pfft as she tried to hold back her laughter. Cloud looks at her curiously. She looks back at the chopper and shooks her head.

Sara giggled, "Reno, you're still one cocky bastard."

Reno looks at Rude in the chopper as if he wanted approval for his lame announcement. Rude only shrugged, "Eh, good enough."

Reno looked out at the stairs, spotted a familiar person, and said, "Wait, I know you."

It wasn't Sara that Reno had his eyes on; it was Cloud. He never forgot how the former SOLIDER kicked his butt while he was on duty. The aftermath of the fight hurt Reno's pride more than his body. Now seeing Cloud, a spark of payback ignited in Reno's mind.

Reno muttered, "Mister First Class." He grabbed the control of the machine that's on the chopper and chuckled, "First-class asshole. Gotcha now!"

Reno began to fire at Cloud and Sara. Cloud pulled Sara away from the firing range and run up the stairs once again. They immediately hid behind a pile of pipes. Cloud took a peek to see where the chopper was, only to move back to avoid another rain of bullets quickly.

Cloud turned to Sara, "Not good. You've got any ideas?"

Sara shook her head, "No, I don't want to run a risk of jumping to the chopper and miss it."

"Damn it; we don't have time for this." Cloud clicked his tongue in frustration.

Another wave of bullets hit the pile of pipes, and then they stopped. Reno decided to wait a little bit and turned to Rude.

Rude sighed and flipped a switch and then threw a demand at Sara and Cloud, "Throw down your weapons and surrender! Shinra does not negotiate with terrorists!"

Hearing this, Sara rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Typical professional attitude, Rude. Sometimes I wonder how you manage to put up with Reno after all these years."

Reno makes a slight laugh at his partner's professional announcement. Yet, he becomes impatient and scoffs, "Man, screw this cheap-ass play."

Reno fires at Cloud, destroying some of the steel pipes that began to fall from the pillar.

Meanwhile, Tifa saw the falling pipes and shouts.

"Get down!"

Aerith and Wedge duck down; Tifa protects them by kicking the falling steel pipes.

Aerith looks at Tifa with a smile, "Thank you!"

Wedge grunted as he stood up, "That was a close one."

Inception: Book 1 (FFVII Remake)Where stories live. Discover now