Much needed update

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Hello I'm back two years later?! Crazy I know, I appreciate the comments even after two years, those notifications are what caught my attention and reminded me that this story still exists and is incomplete.

I'm trying not to cringe when I re-read my story in certain parts lol,

  I'm also going to at least try and make certain characters personalities a bit different since reading through some seem way too friendly at the start for being killers that torture men for a living.

Lastly since I've definitely grown from these two years and became a bit more mature I'm not sure if I'm comfortable making this story smut anymore like I intended. I removed the tags and warning, but some parts will still be descriptive, I just don't want to write out sex scenes so if you read this just for that I'm sorry.

I will try my best to continue this story into an interesting one for fun again like I used to but I do have more responsibilities including work, so I have to prioritize those things first before I can sit down and write this,

Hopefully that clears things up! Thanks for all the likes, comments, and views I appreciate it!


Bela Dimitrescu X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now