chapter 8

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when we got back we were playing what am I when we got told to go to bed as we went to bed I found out that my ceiling was dripping with water, so I told Kevin and Sapphire and they said to bunk up with Emma.
I enjoyed sleeping in Emma room we chatted all night and we even got told off for making so much noise, at breakfast we kept chatting and giggling and when we finally managed to stop I came up with an extraordinary idea why don't we have a camp out in the backyard ,so we went to the attack and we found the old tents meanwhile Kevin was getting the BBQ out.
We found some sticks and Sapphire lined them up for us as we ate burgers we then gathered around the sticks that Sapphire light up by using matches as our marshmallows were cooking we told scary stories ,but Kevin reminded us that the stories can't be too scary because of the little ones, when we got into our tents there was one for boys and one for girls.
The one disadvantage was that the care workers could hear us ,so we didn't dare utter a word.

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