Chapter Five: The New Camper 1.2

Start from the beginning

 I turned around to see two people who were watching with wide eyes, one was little girl with reddish hair, wearing a orange shirt, of course, and jeans, while the other one was a boy and was a probably a preteen, he has red shaggy hair, wearing biker goggles on the top of his head, wearing a tannish orange trench coat, and wearing green pants, I walked towards the two, you know to say hello, the two backed a step if like i was going to hurt the two, I raised my hand if a peaceful gesture "Am not going to hurt you two, am Perseus Kasumi Jackson, what yours?" I said, the boy gave out big breath of realizing that am trying to be a friend "I'm Bat, son of Hephaestus, and this is Lin daughter of Apollo" he said, the little girls did a little wave with her hand, I gave a big smile to cheer her up, with that it made her smile a bit, "Well, you two seem to be shocked with what I did to that poor dummy" I said, "Yeah, I have never seen anybody does that, I bet you can go head to toe with hercules" Bat said, "thanks" I said scratching the back of my head, "what about you Lin, do you think I can face Hercules without problems?" I said, Lin looked at me with sadness, she was moving her mouth, but no words came out. Then I realized she couldn't speak, I felt a bit bad, I didn't know that she couldn't speak, "What happened?" i asked, Bat's face became a bit sad knowing what i was talking about "She lost her voice when she witnessed her parents getting killed by monsters, it was terrible for her, we had tried our best to bring her voice back, but even the best medics of the Apollo cabin couldn't do much" he said sadly.

 I began thinking about how can I help her, but then I realize what will help her, I crouched at her height, I put both of my hands behind her neck, pressing specific points to heal her mutness, when i press her points, her eyes froze for moment, after a few seconds, I let go of her and I stand up, "Lin are you okay?" said Bat with a bit of worry "Don't worry, she will be able to talk in a moment, now I need to leave for cabin 11 before lunch, see you later you two" I said as I began to walk away, then I heard a little girl voice yell for me "PERCY!" I turned around to see Lin run after me, he clinged to my leg "Please leave don't me! Please!" She said crying on my leg, I crouched and hug for a while "Don't worry am here Lin, cry as much as you like, as much as your soul can let go of" I said, she cried for a few minutes, until it was just sniffles "Are you okay now?" I asked, she looked with red dry teary eyes "Am okay" she said, I standed up and lifted her up to take her to Bat, "Bat, please take care of her more, she going to need it a lot" I said as I laid down Lin in Bat arms, and left for cabin 11, on the way I passed cabin 8, I stoped for a while to stare at it.

 It has silver color, the emblem was a bow and arrow, the cabin of Artemis, at kept staring at it, each second of it, seems like a hour, anger and vengeance was the only feeling get from that dam cabin, I clench my fist, each second pass, I wanted to the destroy the cabin, burn it with flames, then destroy it more with my fist, but it will get me nowhere, I took a deep breath and began my walk towards cabin 11, but my walk was interrupted by the sounding of whistling arrow coming towards me, I caught the arrow with my two index fingers, by surprise it was a silver arrow, "Hokuto: Nishi Shinku Ha'' I whispered, I flick my wrist at my supposed attacker, but without the intention of killing, I heard a shocking gasp, I turned my head to see a girl in silver looking clothes, the girl was looking at her bow, the arrow was halfway through the bow, then surprisingly the bow broke in half, making the bow pretty much useless now "YOU INSOLENT MALE!! YOU BROKE MY FAVORITE BOW!! YOU WILL PAY YOU MALE!!" she screeched, she took out a sliver hunting knife and charged right at me, I sigh at this stupidity, a smart person would just leave me alone with that warning shot, but no, when she was in my striking range, I struck the a point by the side of her neck with my two index fingers, she froze like a statue when I struck it, "My body! I can't move!! What did you do to me!" she yelled, I sigh "I pressed one of your pressure points, you will be paralyzed for 15 minutes until I decide to unparalyzed you" I said to her with a stern voice, "And also what you did was childish, attacking someone you don't know, letting your emotions take control of you, this action in the field will probably end your life, even life prisonment or even worse things" I felt like if was scolding a child, well somebody gotta do it.

 I was to about to say something else, but my danger sensors went off, I sense about several energy force around me, I sense a even stronger life force from one of the that surrounds me, I looked around, and I knew who they where, the freaking hunters of that moon girl, their toys where pointing at me, " Release her you disgusting male, or we will shoot" said one of the hunters "Maybe, but what i see, girls armed to the teeth, threatening me, well the answer is no" i said boring tone, one of the hunter releases her arrow, then every single hunter let loose an arrow, as the hail of arrows was flying towards me, I decide not to play mr.nice guy, I move my arms in circle motion and sending Toki with that " Hokuto: Hakkei No Ho" i said, the arrows suddenly stops and the arrows fall to the ground like if they were dropped, I charged forward in a blink of an eye, pressing each point of each girl, paralyzing each one, after I was done with that, I decide to ask a question "You know, that was very bold and brave, but at the same time stupid, all of you will be paralyzed for 15 minutes, now I have a question, where is Artemis?" I said, "I won't tell you male" said one of them, "Well then, since you don't want to tell me, I am going to do it the hard way" I walked toward the girl who didn't want to tell me "What's your name?" I said "Phoebe" she said.

 then i struck one the point that was in her mouth when she said her name "Now, I pressed one of your pressure points in the mouth, this point will make say things against your will, basically telling information against your will, now tell me, where is Artemis?" I said, "I won't tell you...she's in the big house talking to Chiron, about finding a boy named Percy jackson, it's because her sister was looking for him, she is with a mil lady..WHAT!" Phoebe gasped how she just slipped pretty important information to me, "Now another question, who is this sister you said about" I asked "Her name is Nica jackson, and she is one of our best hunters..WHAT! AGAIN!" she yelled "Well thank you and congratulation, the person that Artemis is looking for, is in the camp and also right in front of you, oh and also my name is not Percy jackson exactly, it's Perseus Kasumi Jackson, only friends can call me Percy" I was about to leave to look for that moon goddess, "WAIT!" said one of the hunters "What?" I turned around to see what the hunter wanted to tell, the girl was a bit asian, "Are you..the divine fist of the north star?" she said, her voice had some fear in it, and she was trembling, even though she was paralyzed, "Yes, I am", then something unexpected happened, which was a bit weird, she was crying and also begging "Please! Spare your sister! It wasn't her fault, It was mine! Kill me if you want! But please spare your sister!" she yelled, the hunters were yelling at her to shut up, "Naomi shut up, don't say anything to that male" they began yelling and chit chat "QUIET! Now explain why?" I asked "I was the one was supposed to inform the camp to pick you up, but due to my stupid hatred for men, I didn't do it, after we have though you where dead.

 Your sister was heart broken, she my best friend, I felt so bad, after the incident with Lycaon, I knew you where, the fist of the north star, please install your justice, Divine fist of the north star" she said with tears "It not your fault, your hatred of men was seeded by Artemis, but if something happen that made that seed to be there before you join the hunters, then am sorry something terrible happened to you, when you said about my sister was genuine , I belive you and I forgive you, but for my sister will not go unpunish, but for Artemis, she will feel my wrath" I said as I release a bit of my toki, a blue aura flames rolls off of me, then I stoped releasing my toki, I began my walk torwards the big house, I waited at the porch, it took about a few minutes, the doored open and came out first was a girl with orange hair, which I was not expecting, and came out a girl in her 13s, she had green eyes and jet black hair, and chiron came out last, "Well Artemis I hope you find him, just be careful" he said, "Don't worry Chiron, you know I can protect myself quite well" the girl with orange hair said "I know that" Chiron said, the two girls went to the porch but stopped when the two saw me, me standing in front of the two, Artemis looked at me, "Why are you standing my way bo..." her eyes widen as she just saw a ghost or something "Yan wang!"

Comment and review because right now am not in a good mood

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