Chapter Four: America, Land of Many Possibilities

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A/n: Hello readers, before we read the new chapter, I don't own anything in this story, but enjoy anyway.

Presenting chibi Percy preparing his suitcases, while Malo preparing the Mount Doom of suitcases.

1 week later

Third POV

It has a been quite a week for Percy, Meeting Malo in person, his gifts, and now he has to go, to land that he wishes to never go, but for his mother and his family, right now we see our heir on a plane, with his trench coat on with Dipper on his lap, Malo sitting next to him in human form, he has a seal for him to store his blade to pass security, Percy watched the clouds go by, hearing Dipper snore on his lap while Malo with her headphones listening to music, in her human form, she has curly long black hair with little pink ribbon on her side, pale beautiful skin, pink lavender eyes, wearing jeans and black shirt with a image of puppy, which was surprising since he doesn't know she can transform in human, well there you have it, they have about few hours or more to New York.

After of few hours of flight, chatting, watching movies, they landed in new york in the middle of the day, since time is different back in japan, it was snowing since it was getting close for winter, the two and Dipper got off and checked out of the airport, it was long time he had not step into U.S soil, wondering if what he should do first, he decides to book a hotel for the night, he goes to nearby hotel, it looked decent for the night, so went in and goes towards the counter, there was a lady who filing her nails, Lady notice the two, and start to attend them, Percy books for the night, he gets his keys while Malo got her own separate room, Dipper went with Malo because the Niken feels like to do so, Percy laid his stuff on the bed, wondering about how he going to find the camp since it was long time, Malo enters to her room, since the two has their rooms connect at least, "Percy i was wondering of how are you going to find the camp that your mother wanted you to go" said Malo, Percy went into thought knowing that the camp was in New york somewhere in long island, he remember the forest location that he went.

 it was at the north west side of the island, maybe it was the north side but more in the east, "I think it's in Long's island north side to the east, i remember a forest that probably close to it, if i remember correctly" said Percy, Malo was in thought of what they might encounter, "Percy, do you think we might find some trouble?" said Malo "We might, but that's not the problem, the problem is finding it probably" said Percy, Malo was thought again, then she has an idea "Percy would it good idea we go for a walk in a park that is close to the island, we might find some ideas of where it is" Malo said, Percy thought of this, thinking that it can do some help, getting rid of bit of his stress and also finding clues that might help to find camp, "Yeah that will be good, let's get ready then" said Percy, they get ready to leave the hotel to the park, Percy grabs a leash for Dipper and headed for the park, it took about an hour to the park that they were heading.

When they made to their destination, the park was quite big, its to connect to a large forest, the two sat on the grass and began to chat, simple non important stuff, the two chatted for a while, until Dipper's ears perked up and started growling, Percy sees Dipper Growling at the direction of the forest. "Malo, stay here am going to check what's making Dipper growl" Percy moves where Dipper was growling, he sense some malice presence in the woods, he activates his sharingan, he sees 6 wolves and a humanoid figure, he see the energy in a golden like color, he thought to himself 'Hmm, wolves and humanoid figure, usually a normal energy in a person is blue, but it a golden color, it seems that I need to fight' he deactivated his sharingan, and puts his guard up, one black wolf can out of the forest, then a few others jumped out, the wolves came out in a total of six, then a man appeared in some sort of toga, Percy notice it has wolfish features, Percy noticed immediately that the man was a werewolf, the wolfman sees Percy and smirks, "Hmm a demigod this early, it seems this is my luck going well" said the wolfman, Percy starts cracking his knuckles "Who are you?" said Percy "Well, am Lycaon, that's the only thing that you will need to know, demigod" Percy takes out chew stick out its his mouth and starts chewing it.

he got that habit from his grandfather with the cigars, but a chew stick instead,"So you're a werewolf, considering how bad you smell" Lycaon get angered by this "So you decide to insult me, well that's going to be your last words demigod!" he snaps his finger and the wolves charged at Percy, Percy waited for the right movement to strike, one wolf jumped for his chest, Percy sends a snapping kick to the wolf's head, sending it flying, the second one trying to goes for his legs, but also gets a kick to the face, the rest just gets plowed by kicks and punches sending them to the air, Lycaon gets angry seeing his pack getting owned by one demigod just using hand to hand combat "What are you doing you fools, kill him!" the wolves where starting to get up, but they started to bulge and exploded with a screeching howls, sending bits and blood almost everywhere, Percy dashes in a blink of an eye, extending his arm striking Lycaon's stomach, causing a shockwave behind Lycaon and took down a few trees.

Lycaon went flying into the air and exploded like a bomb, but instead with blood and gore exploding in the air, "Foolish dog" said Percy under his breath,Percy turn around to Malo, while Dipper was barking at the corpses, thinking they might come back alive, "Dipper stop barking at the corpses, because they're already dead" said Percy, Dipper stopped barking,instead starts peeing on the dead wolf corpse, Percy snickered a bit, Malo was stilling where she was, she stands up walks towards percy, "Percy i think we should head back to the hotel, before trouble comes" said Malo, Percy agrees to this, "Yeah lets go" he whistled to Dipper that it's time, Dipper runs and went beside Percy, the two and the niken went back to the hotel for the night.

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