Chapter One: The Stars Of Hokuto Burns Brightly

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Bold: Hokuto Hundred fist rush!

"Italic": Foreign language  

'Italic' :Thought

Note (I will keep repeating this)   I don't own PJO and Hokuto no ken, this story goes with Fist of the blue sky, plus with Naruto and the Scp Foundation, I also don't own them: For Scp creatures for this story are actually hybrids between mythology creatures and modern monster creatures or freaking dangerous demigods, Only Hokuto Shinken, and other martial arts style and magical greek stuff and other can stop them. 


The Big Dipper. Since ancient times, the northern stars have been known as the "stars that govern death" in China. However, they were also known as the "stars of the gods" that protected the Celestial Emperor. And from their name, the ultimate assassin's art was developed:the Divine Fist of the North Star. It began approximately 1,800 years ago during the era of three kingdoms. In order to survive the turmoil caused by conflict between rival warlords, the then-powerless Buddhists of the west developed the secret art passed down from one master to a single successor. Nonetheless, the exceedingly violent art was shunned by the peaceful world as the martial art of the god of death. Now it is spoken of only in legends. However...The year 200x. The world is, once again on the brink of turmoil. The density of The North Star brings new conflict. And at the end of that conflict, will there be light or darkness?

Percy POV

It was a few months that we left California, after mom died trying to protect us from monsters that seem to never stop chasing and always seems to find us, feels like it's just bad luck or worse, before anything happened, mom and my sister Nica used to live in New York, but everything went into a spiral when mom married Gabe, the smelly and ugly Gabe treated us badly, and mom couldn't handle it anymore, so we went for california, after that it got worse, we been moving to place to place, we didn't even stay for more then a few days, I will always tell mom about why we always have to move and mom will always say the same sentences " Honey it's for a good cause, don't dwell on it too much" we been doing this for a year, until some monsters attacked us out of nowhere. Mom try to fend them off before she was killed, her last words still ring into my head like if it was yesterday "Percy no matter what, don't turn back in the past, always move forward, go to new york there is a place named camp half blood, please be safe Percy!" After the incident, my life and my sister's is basically hell, right now where in a forest in New York, and it's getting late, we're trying to get camp half blood. The forest is quite lush,then most forest I saw, and also has a strange feeling " Sis, the forest feels strange, like it wants us not to be here?" I said with worry in my voice, Nica gave me nervous look to my eyes " Don't worry Perce, I also feel it, try to stay with me okay" i give her nod , after we been walking for a few minutes in the forest, I saw some rustling in some large bushes, I shook Nicas's shoulders, and i pointed at the large bushes that are making noises, then all of a sudden a huge dog that was the size of a car, then ironically the dog starts getting pinned by arrows, it falls to the ground and turns into mound of golden dust, a pair of girls came out of the forest, they wearing some weird but cool silver looking clothes of some type, one of them came to close to use " What are you two doing here in this forest?"

Artemis POV

It been a while that Chiron asked me a favor, a few days ago me and girls went to the camp for some rest and supplies, Chiron asked me to hunt down some monsters in some forest, that was called forest of death, even though the name of it sounds a bit bad, Chiron says that actually the forest is peaceful, and it one of the safest routes to camp half blood, but he senses some monsters when he was there the last time, so basically he tells me to get rid of all the monsters that were in the forest, so the route to camp half blood is safe again, even though I would prefer not to do it, but I owe a favor to him after he got us out trouble when we needed help, so after few hours in camp, we sent off to the forest of death, we been in there for two hours killing off the monsters that were in there. I sent one of my lieutenants, Zoe to scout further to see if any monsters are left, Zoe came gave the report of hellhound and a girl with a little boy, Zoe also tells that those two has strong presence of a demigod, I figure out that those two might be demigods, so we went out to find those two, we spotted the two demigods after a few minutes of searching, the two were walking into a open field, which was easy to spot the two, but then a big hellhound came out of one of the bushes, my well trained hunters knew what to do, as my hunters shot the Hellhound until it dropped.

I gave the signal my hunter to show themselves, as we came out into the open field. As the girl that was with little boy, gave us look of worry, she was probably the age of 12 or 13, he has brown dark hair that goes to her shoulder, her cloths were a bit tattered, she has simple jeans, with blue shirt, and a yellow jacket that covers her, as for the little boy, he was wearing green camo pants, and simple red shirt, his hair was messy and pure black, and he gave us a look of curiosity. As I came forward to the two that might be demigods, " What are you two doing here in this forest?" as i ask the two, the girl looked for few seconds and said " We were going to a camp that is not far from here, but thanks for saving us" as she said at least with a grin, "There is no need to thanks me and my hunters, but anyway why are you two alone" the girl eye's saddens a bit and spoke with a sad tone to it " Our mother died a few months ago, she wants us to a camp thats will keep us safe from monsters, but it seems that monsters always finds us, we have to keep running away from them every single time" she said to me with sorrow in her voice, " I understand your pain, but what your name and the boy's," the girl breathed for a second. "My name is Nica Jackson and this my little brother, Percy".

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Nica POV

We were lucky that they came, if they didn't come, we basically be a doggie treat by now, Percy and I been traveling through the country just to find a stupid camp, since mom died, I had to take care of Percy, it was it hard to take care of him, sometimes I just wish I have a babysiter or something, but now i have to deal some stranger in silver clothes, after I gave our names to the sliver dressed women, the woman told me to come with to talk in private.

I left Percy with the hunters, women say that it's fine, so i followed the women in a small tent that maybe one of the girls put up, went into a the small tent, the women invited to sit down, as I was getting comfortable, the women sat down in some fancy simple chair, with the look of silver, the women then stare at with look of curiosity, then she spoke in a neutral tone " Do you who am I" which first what do I know about this women " I don't exactly know" as I try to speak up, the women say something the most unsuspecting question that I heard " Do you know about the Greek gods, Nica," when I first heard the question I don't know if she was crazy for second or something, "Can you say that again please" the women seem that she get this constantly the same question, " I said do you anything about the Greek gods, Nica" at the tone that I heard, she was being serious, when I saw her eyes, they gleamed sliver, like the moon light and power, this tell me that I shouldn't mess with her " Well I only know a little of Greek mythology, but I don't know who you are exactly?"

The woman raised up her hand, then a silver beautiful bow appeared in her hands, " Well, my name is Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon." I froze for a few seconds "Well Nica, I know what you're thinking, but I won't harm you, I brought you here to give you a proposal." " What type of proposal are you asking me?" Artemis looked for a second and then said, " I want you to join my hunt". When I heard this I asked, " What good will it do to me?" " Well if you join my hunt, I will give you Immortality so you won't age, but you can still die, me and my hunters travel the world where we want to, and you don't need to worry about going to camp half blood, but you can't have relationships with men, and you can be free, that's all I can say." When I heard all of this, I had doubts.

But I can be free, no worries about taking care of Percy, monsters trying to find you, and travel the world, I want to be free, spread my wings and let the blow in what direction it will take me. " But what about Percy, if I join I won't be able to take care of him?" the goddess with a look of thought, " You don't need to worry about it, I will send a message to the camp to pick up Percy, they will take good care of him, you will be able visit him." I felt a relief that the camp will pick him up and take care of him, so I made my choice, "Miss Artemis, I made my choice to go with hunters, what should I do" Artemis made a small grin, " You just need to say this oath to me, I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." "I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt" after I said the oath, I was covered by silver light for a second and disappeared, Artemis stood up and put her hand on my shoulder, "Welcome to the hunt, Nica".

Fist of The North Sea (Hokuto no Ken x Naruto x PJO x Scp foundation)Where stories live. Discover now