Ares returns - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

"How famous are you?" Nino asked, intrigued that he was at the same table as a celebrity, well, actually two. (Little did he know there were actually three.)

Ares laughed. "Considering some of my movies being #1 and getting rewards for it, I'd say pretty famous. It's not all that great, though. I've had a few incidences where my house has almost been broken into! And, I almost got kidnapped once a few years ago", he paused and glanced at Adrien. "Adrien Agreste. I've seen you in magazines, ads, commercials, and so much more. You're one popular dude."

"Yeah, I guess so", Adrien replied flatly.

"Maybe we can get to know each other a little better. I feel like I can relate to you", Ares genuinely smiled, Adrien couldn't help but return it. "Hey, who's that blondie over there?"

Alya shook her head. "Someone you do NOT want to meet!"

"Why not?"

"Ares, trust my judgment, she's not a very nice person. I've been dealing with her for years. I had hopes that she would just grow up, but she never has", Marinette responded.

"If there is one thing that I've learned, it's that people are the way that they are because of a person or situation. Maybe that redhead beside her is manipulating her or something", Ares theorized.

"Sabrina? No way, she's afraid to even talk without Chloe's permission", Nino scoffed. 

"So, does anyone know why she acts the way she does?" Ares asked. He wanted to know more, even though he knew it wasn't his business. He thought he might be able to help her.

Adrien lifted his head. "I do. I've known her for years."

"Heyyyy just like Mari and I", Ares placed an arm around her shoulder playfully. 

Adrien glared at him. "Right...sure. But, it's not my story to tell, it's hers."

"You know, I've met so many celebrities in my life. You're one of the few that is genuinely a good person and doesn't have a big ego", Ares admitted, removing his arm from Marinette's shoulder.

After lunch, Marinette was walking with Adrien back to class since Ares was in a meeting with Mr.Damocles about attending the school.

They stopped and talked by the classroom for little bit since they had some free time.

Adrien noticed recently that Marinette hadn't been stuttering around him anymore, she was completely confident now instead of nervous. He sometimes wondered what had changed.

"...but yeah it was pretty cool", Marinette smiled at Adrien, although he was so caught up in his thoughts, he forgot to listen. "Adrien?"

"Yes, princess?" He blurted out without even thinking. He wanted to slap his mouth, but he thought it would be too obvious.

"W-what did you just c-call me?" Marinette stuttered nervously.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, I called you princess..because", he started slowly, not knowing how he was going to get out of this. "because your dress reminded me of a princess and I thought it would be a nice nickname for you."

Well, she was going to find out at some point. What a lame excuse.

"Oh um", Marinette lost her gaze with Adrien. "You wouldn't be the first to say that..."


"Ares totally likes you", Alya set her bag down on Marinette's chaise after school that day.

"What makes you say that?"

"Don't think I didn't see him wink at you during his speech this morning. Not to mention, he put his arm around you in the cafeteria. And when you weren't looking, he was looking at you!"

"It doesn't matter either way, I'm not interested", Marinette shrugged. "Besides, I don't think that after all the ladies he's seen, that he would actually like me over all of them."

"Untrue. And by the way, didn't you notice Adrien getting super jealous earlier?"

"WHAT?" Marinette whipped around in shock. "What do you mean?"

"Girl, he was literally GLARING at Ares. AND, he wanted nothing to do with him. His responses were so flat and his smiles were forced", Alya raised an eyebrow.

"That doesn't matter to me, either", Marinette blurted without thinking of what she had done.

"Say WHAT?" Alya's eyes widened. "You're telling me that the boy that YOU have been obsessed with for years is now jealous of you and this new boy and IT. DOESNT. MATTER?"

Marinette felt dots of sweat on her forehead and laughed nervously." O-of course it m-matters! I'm just saying that maybe he IS jealous, whatever, but that doesn't mean he's going to ask me out or anything. That boy is never sure of how he feels until someone actually tells him."

"Damn, girl, way to call him out", Alya smirked, folding her arms. "How are things with you and Luka, by the way?"

Marinette suddenly remembered that she never told Alya about him. "Maybe asking him to prom wasn't a good idea. He told me that he still likes me just a few days ago."

Alda's jaw dropped as she was smiling. "No WAY! 3 guys into you? Marinette's is definitely the boys' lady, huh?"

Marinette playfully and lightly punched Alya on the shoulder. "Stop, I am NOT!"

"Yes you are! Come on, I know a guy's face expression when I see one. Ares' was love, Adrien's was jealousy, and Luka's was guilt."

"Guilt?" Marinette tilted her head.

"Yeah, guilty for liking you when he still has a thing with Nellie, remember?"

"Poor, Nellie", Marinette whispered, sitting down on her chaise.

So, about Ares, what are your thoughts on him? 

And what are your thoughts on Adrien's slip up?

but yay long chapter

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