s3 ; e23 - insatiable

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beacon hills, california

━━━━━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-THREEbeacon hills, californiaviolence/blood

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STILES' JEEP STOPPED at Oak Creek's gate. The four teenagers getting out of the Jeep before meeting up with Allison and Kira.

They all took a moment for themselves, taking deep breaths to calm their nerves.

"We've done this before, guys. Couple weeks ago we were standing around just like this, and we saved Malia. Remember?"

Scott asked as they all nodded their heads, silently agreeing with what the Alpha was saying.

"That's a total stranger. This is Lydia"

"I'm here to save my best friend", Allison said as Cassiopeia sent her a small smile. She was slowly coming to terms with the fact that the Argent girl was sorry.

"I came to save mine"

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework", Isaac told the group before yelping in pain when Cassiopeia hit him behind the head with her hand. "Idiot", she whispered as they walked inside of Oak Creek.

They were all determined to win this, no matter what.

"Kira! Turn around and go home. Take your friends with you", Kira's mom said as Allison pulled out an arrow from her quiver.

"I can't. When I looked at the game, I realized who I was actually playing. You", the Asian girl told her mom as Cassiopeia had to bite down a comment like plot twist. She watched as Noshiko smiled at her daughter, somehow happy that she had figured the game out.

"Call them off"

Allison said while pointing an arrow directly at the older woman's head. "You think you can take him alive? You think you can save him?"

"What if we can?", Cassiopeia intervened with crossed arm as she eyed the Oni's suspiciously.

"Ah, Cassiopeia, the last living Miller. Shame what happened to your family", the woman stated as the brunette's jaw clenched. "Answer the fucking question"

"I tried something like that seventy years ago. Your friend is gone"

"Are you sure? Stiles doesn't need to die. And maybe Rhy's didn't have to die either", Kira defied her mother as the Miller girl wore a proud smirk on her face.

The confidence that radiated form the Kitsune was enough to give her strength, even though she wasn't around her pack members.

"I see I'm not longer the fox, Kira. You are. But the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury"

As soon as those words escaped the woman's lips, the Oni's behind her disappeared. "Fucking hell", the brunette mumbled under her breath before hearing a gasp.

devotion ² - i.lahey Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora