Chapter 21 - His girl

Start from the beginning

He rolls you both over, so you are against the bed and he is leaning over you. He looks at you with nothing but admiration and love, gently he tucks a piece of hair that was covering your face behind you ear, followed by him trailing his fingers down the side of your face, curving his lips into a delicate smile.

He holds you by the chin with his thumb and forefinger as he leans in and kisses your temple.

His signature sign of affection. Only for you.

“Now lets get some sleep, you’ll need it if you want to keep up with Pietro” he smiles and lets out a little chuckle.

You flash him a genuine grin, feeling more relaxed now he seemed calmer. Bucky pulls the cosy covers over the both of you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him again and planting a final kiss on the top of your hair.

“Goodnight buck”.

“Goodnight beautiful”.

You both slip off into a deep and comfortable sleep, feeling safe, relaxed and happy.

A few hours later, you bolt upright after feeling something landing on your bed and hearing a crash in the room.

You look immediately to your left and see Bucky sighing, rolling his eyes and falling back against his pillow.

Then you turn to the end of the bed and see your giddy, Cheshire Cat grinning, idiot best friend at the end of the bottom of your bed.

Laying horizontally across the foot of the bed, leaning on his elbow with his hand supporting his head, staring and grinning up at you.

Once you lock eyes he raises his eyebrows three times in quick succession with a wicked grin on his face.

You roll your eyes and copy Bucky’s earlier action and fall back against your pillow, when you do you turn back to Bucky who is already staring at you.


“Okay lovebirds, I hate the break up this super romantic moment, but I need my girl more than you do Buckaroo so I’m stealing her. Okay? Thanks, bye” before you even register what Pietro has said, you’re being hauled from your comfy bed by your arms and dragged to your bathroom.

“Shower, teeth, dressed, downstairs in 20 minutes. Wear something cute, not that you don’t anyway but you know make a little more effort than normal.” Pietro bosses at you.

He wanders out of your bathroom, but before he leaves your room, you hear him hollering more instructions at you, like a drill Sargent on a training exercise, “20, that’s two zero minutes Y/N. In normal human time, not Y/N time. I mean it”.

You laugh, roll your eyes but do exactly as he says and in some miracle you seem to get ready and get downstairs in 20 minutes.

Well 18 to be exact, but who was counting?

You decided on a pair of light blue heavily ripped skinny jeans, an oversized black washed t-shirt that came off the shoulder with a skull, roses and thorn design on the front and some black trainers.

You had your hair in it's natural state after being dried with a hairdryer, so it was full of volume, thick and shiny, flowing down over your shoulders.

You decided on light makeup and put on a choker to go with your top.

As you walked into the kitchen, which faced the main seating area. You closed the fridge to see Bucky entranced with you, then giving you a smirk filled with attraction and affection.

But he wasn’t the only one who was under your spell…

Strange couldn’t take his eyes off you, his gaze filled with need, want and when you locked eyes with him you see it switch straight to regret.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about darling, you keep them under that spell. I’m proud” Pietro eagerly whispers in your ear as he wraps his arms around the top of your shoulders from behind you.

You turn and he pulls you into one his normal warm embraces. “Lets go” he says with a smile.

You both turn and head out of the compound.

“You two behave, or I’ll get the neighbourhood Spider-Man to pay you a visit” Tony calls out after you, your turn smirk and wink.

Which he returns to you, before dropping his head to giggle to himself.

“Whats the plan?” You ask Pietro.

“I just wanted to spend time with my day one, I’ve missed you.” Pietro gives you a saddened expression, which encourages you to put your arm around his waist as you’re both walking and he instantly follows suit and puts his arm over your shoulders.

“I’m always here speedy, you’re my day one. My priority you know that. Plus you literally had me all to yourself two days ago.”

“That two whole days. I don’t know how I survived that long, I was struggling without you” he pulls you closer and you both laugh.

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