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We were driving off to where Stephen and Nathan were staying at. He parked the car, we got out and followed him. It was a one story house, it looked...cute. We walked inside the house and I looked around. The house had beige walls, a living room, kitchen,3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.

"Nathan, I'm back," Stephen yelled out, but no answer

"Where is he?" Stephen said, but the next thing you know, we heard yelling

"Why can't I do it right!" We all ran outside and saw Nathan, furiously grabbing his hair

"What the hell, Nathan. How long have you been playing?" Stephen asked him

"Since you left," Nathan told him, looking at me

"You might of open your wound," Stephen told him, worried

Stephen walked towards him and lift his shirt up. His abdomen was covered up with bandages and I saw blood seeping through his bandage.

"Look at what you done," Stephen said as he stared at the bandages

"Come on," Stephen told Nathan, dragging Nathan inside the house, literally

We walked inside and sat on a different couch. Nathan had his shirt off already and Stephen was taking care of his wound and bandage. What happened to Nathan? Who did this to him? I needed to know.

"What happened?" I blurted out

They looked at me then at each other.

"Stephen, you promised to tell us anything we wanted to know," Juliet told him, crossing her arms

"Did you?" Nathan asked him

He sigh,"I did promise them, but we need to focus on your wound,"

"Should we go, Juliet?" I asked her

"We should," She said

We got up and walked towards the front door, I almost had my hand on the doorknob when Nathan yelled at us.

"I got stab by Jackson," Nathan yelled, I turned around

"Are you serious?" I asked him

"It's true, Cora. We didn't know Jackson had a knife," Stephen told me

"Then, why does the cut look long and deep," Juliet asked, crossing her arms

"When I was about to swing, he stabbed me and I stood there because it hurt like a b*tch then he started to drag the knife. I kicked his knee, he fell to the floor, but the knife was still inside of me, so Stephen put the knife out without warning me. Motherf*cker," He told us

"What happened to Jackson?" I asked

"Nathan didn't care if he has a long ass cut in his abdomen. He still wanted to fight, so I let him," Stephen told us

"Why didn't you stop him?" Juliet told him

"So, I could learn my lesson and I did," Nathan told us

"So, what have you and Stephen been doing for 4 days?" I asked them

"I was babysitting Nathan," Stephen told us

"Did you wear a costume?" I asked him

"I did. I'll be right back and Nathan don't move from your spot," Stephen said as he walked off

I looked at Juliet and she was glaring at me.

"Why would you asked him," Juliet asked me

"To show his body off for you," I told her, smirking

"Well,thank you,but I don't want to see his body...yet," She told me

"And why's that?" I asked her, crossing my arms

She looked down, "He has a amazing body, but the reason I don't want to see it is because I might drool or faint by seeing it," She told me, blushing

"That's nothing wrong with that," I told her

"How do you know?" She asked me

I got closer to her ear, "I almost drool when I saw Nathan shirtless and let me tell you his fine," I whisper

I moved away from her and she was smirking at me.

"Hey Nathan," Juliet said

"Yeah," He said

"Do you exercise everyday?" Juliet asked him

"Not everyday," He told us

"Can you flex your muscles," Juliet told him, I looked at her with wide eyes

"Why?" Nathan asked, curious

She was about to say something, but Stephen walked in. He was wearing a maid dress, that looks tight on him. Me and Juliet burst out laughing, but I saw Juliet's cheek growing red.

"How do I look?" Stephen asked us, posing

"Fabulous," I said

"Well, thank you," Stephen said

"I'm going back outside," Nathan said as he got up, but Stephen pushed him down

"No you're not," Stephen told him

"Yes I can," Nathan told him, pushing him away

"How about we play Fifa 15," Juliet said, everybody nodded, but not Nathan

"What do you say, Nathan?" Juliet asked him

"I'll play if Stephen changes out of that," Nathan said

"Why don't you want to see me in this fabulous outfit?" Stephen asked him

"I've seen you in that damn outfit to many times," Nathan told him

"Fine, I'll change so I can whoop your ass on Fifa," Stephen told him as he walked off

"I'll put the game in," Nathan told us, getting up

"I'll put the game in while you relax," I told him as I got up and walked towards the game stand

Nathan looked at me, "I can do it myself,"

"You open your wound, Nathan. So, I suggest you go seat on the couch and rest," I told him as I grabbed the Fifa 15 case.

I looked around for the Xbox one, but I couldn't find it. Then, I heard a ding. I looked down and saw the Xbox was in front of me. My cheeks started to get hot. I heard laughter. I turned around and saw Juliet on the ground, laughing her ass off. I looked at Nathan and he was laughing too. Stephen was sitting beside him, smirking and he has a Xbox one controller in his hand. I feel so embarrassed. I put the disc in, grabbed 2 controllers from the table that was in front of Stephen and Nathan. I walked back to Juliet, sat down and handed her a controller and we started to pick teams. We had teams, so me and Juliet were a team and so was Nathan and Stephen. Me and Juliet picked FC Barcelona while Stephen and Nathan picked Germany, who won 2014 world cup. This is going to be fun.

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