"So this cutie is why you're skipping ropes practice?" RM asked, flustering the hell out of her student with his intimidating aura.

Yung Mi put her arm protectively around the blue-haired boy's shoulders. "Yep, Jax has some concerns about a scene he's doing this weekend."

Jay was openly admiring the poor boy with a dominant gaze. Jax edged closer to Yung Mi. "Back off, guys. This sweet baby belongs to me," she warned with a chuckle as they headed on their way.

Jax leaned back on the door as it slammed shut. "Holy fuck! I thought they were going to eat me! They are scary."

Yung Mi giggled. "That's your baby boy calling to their dom daddy."

"They're both... into guys?"

"They are into submission. I knew Jay was bi, but not RM. He's had a female sub for as long as I've known him, but apparently, they both think you'd look good in a collar."

"It feels kinda good to be lusted after, but it's terrifying, too. How am I supposed to be a tough gangster if other men think that about me?"

"They are definitely not average men. Just because you tend to be submissive sexually, doesn't mean you can't dominate in other areas of your life. Take my husband, for example: Billionaire CEO, total submissive masochist."

The boy's eyes grew huge. "You're married?"

"I should have said 'deceased husband.'"

"Wow. You're so young. I'm sorry about that."

"Thanks. I'm fine now." Yung Mi smiled to reassure him, then changed the subject. "Hey, I brought some things for you to take with you on Saturday. They're for your uh, girl, things you can use to enhance her experience. Hopefully, she's not a prude."

She started pulling packages from the large shopping bag as she continued, "How do they even choose these girls? Please make sure she isn't being coerced. Like her dad sold her to the gang to pay off his debt so they wouldn't kill him."

The boy looked shocked. "Does that really happen?"

Yung Mi looked at him. "Do people sell young women, and young men, to be sex slaves? Every day." She refrained from adding that she was basically one of them.

"What will I do, if that's her story? I'm almost as stuck as she is."

"There's nothing you can do about the group entertainment portion, other than fake an orgasm to keep it short. That may not be the safest for either of you, though. Act enamored with her and don't let the other men near her. Keep her with you all night. I guess jump on the bed and make porn noises. I hope, for everyone's sake, that is not her story." He looked at her with big eyes.

"Honestly, you're so hot, she's going to take one look at you and say 'Fuck me right now, daddy.'" Yung Mi tried not to laugh at his jaw hanging open.

He covered his face. "I'm going to die before this is over," he whined through his hands.

"More than once, I hope." When he lowered his hands, confused at her comment, she winked. "You know the French call an orgasm 'la petite mort' for a reason. Come on, let's look at the toys." She held her hand out to him and pulled him over to sit on the bed.

"I got you stuff that I think will make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. This is a wedge pillow to tilt her pelvis up. It gives you a better angle and deeper penetration. And a vibrator, for extra stimulation. Nothing too crazy. One set for practice. One set for your girl."

Her student was rummaging through all the props on the bed. "What's this?" he asked, holding up a weird U-shaped thing.

"Oh, this is a lube warmer. Fumbling with cold lube can definitely spoil the mood. I got myself one too. Look, it's auto dispense, just hold your hand under it."

"Thank you. I mean it. You've kept me from feeling all alone in this."

"Pay the kindness forward with your future partners. That's all I ask, Jax." The domme gave him a warm smile.

He looked at Yung Mi with sincere eyes. "I will. I promise. And, um ... please call me Yeonjun."

Yung Mi stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "I know you will. You've got a kind heart, Yeonjun."

He looked at her with a sober expression. "I really worry I'm not cut out for mafia life."

"All businesses need lawyers and accountants. Maybe your dad will see the wisdom in sending you to college?" She gave him an encouraging smile.

"I want to be a writer. I want to write novels," he said with a pout.

"You'll be living a novel. Change the names and you've got a best seller." She smacked his arm playfully. "One goal at a time. Let's focus on your big night, then we'll figure out your life plan, ok?"

As a smile tugged at his mouth, he raked his hair back and sighed, "Ok, teacher. Are we doing lecture or lab first?"

"Have you been studying at all?" the young domme asked in a seductive tone. He nodded. "I'm letting you take the lead, then. I'll try to pretend I'm a scared virgin."

Y'all ready to turn this baby boy into a Daddy?! I swear BigHit has perfected the search for men with maximum duality. 🥵

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