A Shock to the System

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, Kid's got major FOMO, He'll make it there by sunrise" (Fomo means Fear Of Missing Out) 

"But will we..?" Kenji asked looking at the build up of sticks and trees that blocked out path. "Everything's been smashed, knocked down, or trampled. Stupid Scorpios messing up that stupid bath to the stupid boat!" Kenji said kicking part of a log as a stick came down scaring him, I leaned over to Gray and snickered 

"He's said stupid about 16 thousand times" I said making him smile. 

"We just have to tun left at the bush that had the berry beard" Brooklyn said. "Which was...Maybe that one?" She said looking around. I sat down on a rock as D/F/N fell down in front of me. 

"Guys they can't keep moving like this, Y/n can barley stand and D/F/N can't even stand up right without tripping or falling over" Gray said as they looked at me. Yaz walked over to me as she crouched down in front of me 

"Nah, You'll be okay, Kenji and Brooklyn got this. Right, Guys?" Yaz said looking at Brooklyn and Kenji. I looked confused at her 

"What?" Kenji asked turning and looking at us. 

"You guys got this, I believe in you" Yaz said as I just shrugged looking at them.

"Okay...? And?" Kenji asked looking at her

"And what?" Yaz asked "I just really believe in you guys. Keep up the good work" 

"Did she just... Encourage us?" Kenji asked confused. 

"Uh, I can't tell" Brooklyn added. 

"Whatever okay.." He turned around the two talking as I stood up, my legs shaking. 

"Here" Zach said offering to carry me as I jumped up on his back, Zach carrying me.

"Any of you trees missing bark?" Kenji asked as we walked around looking at the trees. 

"Any luck?" Brooklyn asked, 

"Nope" Kenji said shaking his head. 

"You are such a trouper" Yaz said to me as I looked at her nervously laughing. 

"Hey! Hey, guys? Can we take a water break?" I asked "I'm feeling a little funny and my ears are playing tricks on me" Zach sat me down, Brooklyn handing me a water as I began chugging it down. 

"Better?" Brooklyn asked me

"I hope so?" I asked myself responded handing the flask back to Kenji

"Way to be prepared" Yaz said punching Kenji's arm. I looked at her snatching the water back chugging the rest of it down. 

"If she keeps encouraging me, I'm gonna lose it" Kenji said to Sammy, Zach, and Brooklyn. 

"Me too." Sammy said. 

"That's better" Yaz said wiping the water off my face.

"Yaz." Gray said to her. 

"Could we chat for a minute?" Brooklyn added. 

"Sure. I'll be right back" Yaz said to me as she walked over.

"What's up, Camp fam?" She asked Zach and Kenji cringing at the kindness. 

"Okay, I don't know why you are acting this way, bu you have to stop" Brooklyn said. 

"What are you talking about?" Yaz asked her confused. 

"Your kindness is killing us" Gray said. 

"Killing!" Kenji added. 

"Look, Y/n really needs us to stay positive, so that's what I'm doing" Yaz said. 

"Uh, Hey guys? Uh, I don't know why we do all these little side huddles, whispering and such 'cause I can hear every word" I said to them "Yaz, Your kindness, it's killing me too, don't get me wrong I like people being kind but coming from you is just.. scary" I said to her. 

"What?" Yaz asked 

"Killing!" Kenji said Yaz pushing him away. 

"But I was just trying to--"

"I know, I know. You're just trying to help, But you're freaking us out, man!" I exclaimed. "I thought I was hallucinating or something the way you were acting.. Wait, Maybe I am hallucinating" I said, D/F/N growling. "Are you guys seeing floating fairies, too?" I asked looking behind everyone. 

Everyone turned around looking at the glowing dinosaurs running at us "Wait a minute. Aren't those..?" Brooklyn started.

"The Parasaurolophuses from the caves!" Yaz yelled. Zach helped me up tossing Gray and I over the log, D/F/N jumping over and staying in front of us carefully. We all got scared as I looked at Kenji

 "Do your job and get us out of here Dingus!" I shouted

"They're making a path! Follow the glowy dinos!" Kenji yelled grabbing the water as Zach picked me up, I whistled D/F/N running following the dinosaurs. We kept running as Kenji pointed "I know where the dock is! It's that way!" He shouted as we turned and ran that way, I held onto Zach in fear looking at the dinosaurs around were getting picked off one by one. We kept moving as Zach put me down 

"Go, Go!" Zach yell whispered as he helped Gray,

 I ran beside D/F/N following Kenji quickly. I picked up my walkie "Darius!" I muttered into it hoping for a response. "Darius, do you copy?" I asked getting no response. "If you can hear me, we just had a run-in with the Scorpios but everyone's okay. We're headed to the boat now. Should be there any minute. We'll meet you there" I said walking beside Kenji and D/F/N. 

"He probably just turned it off, so we won't bug him" Kenji said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Darius and Ben, they'll be okay" We pushed through some leaves as we smiled looking at the boat, we began running as we climbed onto the boat with a smile. 

"And I thought finding this boat for the first time was the happiest I'd ever be to see it!" Sammy shouted. "Would it be werid if I hugged it? That'd be weird, right, I'm gonna hug it" I held my stomach as I quickly ran over the side of the boat throwing up. We waited for hours, Gray and I sitting on the couch as we waited for them, D/F/N was sprawled out basking in the sun as everyone else leaned over the railing waiting for them.

"Darius! Ben!" Kenji shouted as I stood up looking over the railing. The bushes rustled as I shook my head. 

"That's not them" I said looking at him, I ran up to the captains quarters and pulled away from the docks. 'I hope the boys are okay..' I told myself. 

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