Games : Chapter 17

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HEHEHE Can't think of any more names but chilleeee anyways

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HEHEHE Can't think of any more names but chilleeee anyways....

A few months later, upon tons of planning and mental breakdowns from Taeyong, The Sports fest finally came, parents, friends from different schools and yes the Chairman Jung Jaehyun of the Jung Group and President Dong Sicheng from DONG Industries are on it as well.

It was early in the morning about 8' o clock Taeyong with his boyfriend, Jisung and Chenle arrived. Ofcourse most students are already here they were late because Sicheng was panicking because he lost his files on the house only to find out it was on the car the whole time, "old people stuff" that's what Taeyong said.

"Go on now, you have to go to your classes, your advisers might be looking for you"

"Yes Hyung," the two replied and walked to their class on which they were greeted by their fellow classmates.

"Babe, follow me" Taeyong started to walk towards the booths on where most of the employees and some family members of the employees are there listing for their respective sports.

This year's Sports fest is quite alot, you have football, basketball, skating also Ice-skating, tug of war, relay race, all kind of stuff but the main event of the games is the male teacher's volley ball game on which Taeyong and Doyoung signed up for, Including some of their teammates over the years

"AHHHH, I can't wait to smash their faces again!" Doyoung said as if its the most amazing thing he could do this school year

"Are you really that sadistic?" Sicheng asked

"I need to let out some steam for sometimes, and volleyball is one way"

"Hey Captain!" Their head turned around and saw their team mates

The Team Captain is of course, Lee Taeyong, With four strikers, Kim Doyoung, Park Jongseong and part time Science teacher, Yang Jungwon, and The Head Accountant (Park Jongseong). He (Yang Jungwon) and Taeyong entered the school the same year that's why they were close friends kind of like a brother situation,

"Hello Hyung!" Park Jongseong which goes by the name of Jay Park, and Yang Jungwon greeted

"Hello Jay," Taeyong replied

"So you are ready for the games?" Taeyong gave off a creepy smile

"Oh please hyung, I have been waiting for this every year" Jungwon replied with the same sinister smile Taeyong gave off

Both men laughed like there is no tommorow

People around them started looking at both at them on which Dongyong and Jongseong sigh

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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