The white mushroom

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It was evening in the forest biom, george was on a walk and picking some mushroom for dinner.

"Yawn... the was a great nap." george said.

"There really a lot mushroom grow this spring"george said.

As he was picking the mushroom, he pick up a unfamiliar thing. it seem like a some what a white mushrooms but squeezer the normal.

"Eh?" gorgeous mudder in confusion

George just had just woken up from his nap so he can't really know what to make of it.

George look closer and the thing srated to move. The white mushroom suddenly open it eye and blink several time to geogren. In mater of minute george realised it alive.

Confuse and gross out george scream on the top of lung in shock.

"AAAAAAAAAA" geogre scream, dropping the blob.

george lost balance and fell back on the ground.

"Ow, what was that ?" george said.

George come back to his sense, geogre realise that he drop the thing and pick it up to make sure the it okay.

As the blob was in george's hand it seem to be not moving. so george decided to poke it several time.

The blob seem to be moving aftheward. It seem to be really scared. the blob was shaking and seem to be confuse.

"I'm sorry, i didn't meant to scared you."
geogre said.

"Is it hurt?" george though. trying to figure out eater it was hurt or just scared, the sky turn really dark and started to rain.

"Why don't i take you back to my house" george ask.

The blob look around while everything turning dark and the forest starting to get wet by the rain.

The blob did not want to be left alone in the forest.  So the blob nob it head to show that it agreed to go.

so they went to george house.

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