Chapter 6: Meeting the Creepypastas and Your Injury

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¨Do you understand now, (Y/N)?¨ he added. You nodded and said,¨Yes, sir.¨ He chuckled and said,¨Call me Slender, child.¨ You nodded again. ¨So, here's my question: would you like to become a Creepypasta?¨ he said calmly. You sat there, thinking about his sudden question. ¨You can think about it but make sure to give me your answer before 6 o'clock tonight or I will take that as a no.¨ Slender said. You snapped out of your thoughts and smiled at Slender. ¨Thank you, Slender.¨ you said happily. ¨You can leave now if you want.¨ he said, folding his hands in front of him on the desk again. You nodded, got up, and walked back into the hallway.

Jeff and EJ had left, so you decided to explore a little. You looked at the pictures on the white walls. ¨Hmm. Wonder what that means.¨ you said, looking at an old piece of paper that said,¨Always watches; no eyes.¨ You shrugged it off and kept walking.

You saw many pictures like the first one you saw, but they had different words and drawings on them. When you got back to the stairs, you climbed down them and went into the living room. There was 3 people in there that you'd never seen before.

There was an elf wearing a green shirt, green pants, and a long, green hat. ¨He must really love the color green.¨ you thought. He had blonde hair and pointed ears. You couldn't see his face because he was turned toward the T.V. playing Majora's Mask on a green DS.

The other two were eating something. You peeked to see what it was and it was cheesecake. ¨I could go for some cheesecake.¨ you thought hungrily. One of them was wearing an orange jacket, dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. He was wearing a black mask with a red stitched in frown and had red eyes.
The other one was wearing a yellow jacket, black pants, had brown hair, and was wearing a white mask with black eyes and smile painted on it. ¨Does everyone wear masks around here?¨ you thought. You slipped past them and went into the kitchen.

¨Finally, somewhere where I'm alone.¨ you said as you closed your eyes and panted. ¨Y-you sure about t-that?¨ a voice said. You opened one eye to see a man with brown hair wearing orange goggles, a grey mouthpiece, a brown jacket with dark brown stripes on the sleeves, black pants, and black and white converse. He also had a belt holding 2 hatchets and black leather gloves.

¨W-who are you?¨ you asked, standing against the wall. He took a hatchet out of his belt, tossed it in the air, caught it, and said,¨Y-you trying t-to m-mock me?¨ He started walking toward you, which frightened you, and you shook your head. He pushed you up against the wall, pinned your wrists with his hands, and said,¨Y-you'd better g-get out of h-here before people s-start w-wanting to k-kill you.¨ He chuckled and caressed your cheek with his hatchet's blade. For the first time in your life, you sweated from fear. Sweat trickled down your forehead as you waited for him to kill you. He chuckled again and said,¨D-don't worry. I-I won't k-kill y-you.¨ You let out a sigh of relief and said,¨Okay, that's taken care of. Can you let me go now?¨ ¨O-oh yeah. S-sorry.¨ he said as he let your hands go and rubbed the back of his head nervously. ¨Thanks.¨ you said, rubbing your reddened wrists.

¨S-so, who are y-you?¨ he said, sitting down on a chair and gesturing to the one beside him. You cautiously walked over to the chair and sat down. ¨I might be a new Creepypasta. I just got out of Slenderman's office. He told me to tell him whether or not I want to be a Creepypasta by 6.¨ you said. He nodded and said,¨G-good luck. W-what's y-your name?¨ ¨(Y/N) but my Creepypasta name is Halloween.¨ you said. He smiled and said,¨N-nice name. I-I like b-both o-of them. M-my name's T-Toby. ¨ You blushed, turned away, and said,"I like your name, Toby."

¨H-hey, want a w-waffle?¨ he said, picking up a waffle from his plate and handing it out to you. ¨Uh, sure.¨ you said, raising your hand and taking it. He gave you two thumbs up and said,¨I l-love w-waffles! They're m-my favorite f-food? D-do y-you like w-waffles?¨ You smiled and said,¨Heck yeah! I love waffles! I used to eat them everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They're so good.¨ Toby smiled and said playfully,¨If y-you l-love waffles, I l-love y-you!"

Sweet Dreams // Creepypasta x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora