got my teeth in you

Start from the beginning

"He takes uni very seriously, y'know?" Louis' tone went stern as he reached into his pockets for his lighter. "There's a reason he earned that scholarship. He's really fucking smart."

"Easy, Tommo. No need to shoot daggers at Cal," Oliver reasoned from the other side of the couch.

"Maybe say something when you lot can roll a proper blunt," Louis sniggered with a scoff, knowing very well his own skills were unmatched.

Calvin didn't even look up at him, just rolling his eyes.

"We just think it wouldn't hurt if Harry took a break every now and then," Oliver continued. "He's too hard on himself, don't you think? I haven't seen him in forever."

Louis hummed in annoyance, relaxing his back into the couch as Calvin took a deep drag and gave him back his lighter. The smoke that came out of his mouth engulfed the living room, where other people were already either drinking or making out.

Deep down, Louis knew his friends meant well, of course, but they didn't know Harry like he did. They didn't understand how Harry thrived on being top of the class and how he felt the need to honour his scholarship in the name of his mum, who could never afford even one semester of his education. They would never know how many times he had told Louis how badly he wanted to be a teacher either.

Harry was a bit of a perfectionist maniac, but Louis had already learned that was how his brain worked and that he needed that edge of control to keep himself sane. To Calvin and Oliver, however, he was just a bit of a snob who thought he was too good to hang out with them and that it was the reason why he skipped every invitation with a vague excuse.

Either way, Louis fished for his cell phone in his pocket and shot Harry a text, telling him he missed him and that he really should come over, even if just for a tinnie and some chit chat.

The time went by and more and more people started to arrive. Calvin's social circle was a bit impressive, really. The more wasted Louis got, the more he forgot about Harry. Calvin's parties were always his favourites – endless booze, free weed and so many new faces. He loved every second of that boundless freedom, while still being able to go up the stairs and sleep safely if he wanted to.

"Can you feel your fingertips?!" Calvin screamed at him over the music, eyes blown and red.



"It lingers?! Yeah, it does!" Louis agreed as he danced, suspecting Calvin was on something else other than just weed.

Louis was happy, that was the thing. The haunting thoughts of all his responsibilities were far away, concealed by the chemical fuzziness in his brain.

Scrambling to dance his way out of the living room, he made his way to the kitchen to grab a drink. He was hungry too, but there was still some dignity in him that prevented him from hoarding the cheese puffs and getting his fingers orange.


"Hi, Lou," he scratched his head, a little too awkward in his leather trousers and sheer shirt, "I was looking for you, but it got too hot out there. Too many bodies."

"Shit, sorry!" Louis pulled him in for a brief hug, hoping he wouldn't mind his sweat. "I completely forgot about checking my phone," he honestly said, looking him in the eyes, "I didn't think you'd come."

"Well, you asked me to," Harry's cheeks went a bit pink, "so, I did."

Louis stared at him, overwhelmed. He knew he was a mess, that his hair looked unruly and that he reeked of weed and liquor. If he knew Harry was planning on showing up, he would have, at least, tried to sober up.

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