Chapter 10

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Siddharth was helping Ashi in painting the backgrounds.
Ashi: I think we need more black paint.
Sid: Oh yeah! Yeah. Hey Ashi can you look her for a sec.
Ashi turned around and splat. Sid had rubbed his brush on her hand.
Ashi: Siddharth! This is really expensive paint!!
Sid: Oh yeah!
But till then Ashi had already put paint on him too! And then they had a paint fight.
Just then Ritika shrieked!
Sidashi rushed out.
Ashi: What happened?
Rits: The Phantom of the Opera!
Sid: But this is Romeo and Juliet.
Rits: No! A phantom! Back there doing something. He wore all black with a white mask!
Avneet: Ashi! It is you! You wanted Phantom of the Opera! You ate messing with us?
Ashi: Why would I do that? Why would I mess with my own set? It I had to mess with you, I would have to start with your makeup.
And again they started arguing.

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