Chapter 7

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The next day the cast list now had Riyaz as Romeo, Avneet as Juliet and Sid as Understudy.
Sid was shocked. He did not even think he would get a role!
Just then Avneet and Rits came. Avneet had her hand over her eyes.
"I am too nervous too look, can you look for me? Did I get Juliet? Did I???" Avneet said impatiently.
Rits saw the cast list.
"Oh look, you got the lead.amd Riyaz is your Romeo...",Rits said sounding dejected.
Avneet squealed and then ran over to Riyaz.
Avneet: Hey there Romeo!
Riyaz: Yo...
Avneet: I got Juliet!
Riyaz: Huh?
Avneet: The play??
Riyaz: Oh yeah...yeah....I got Romeo
Just then Ashi and Rohan walked in the corridor.
Ashi:What is she so happy about?
Rohan: Riyaz looks like he is just 15, I mean look at him!! (No offence to Riyaz fans! I love Ri but Rohan is jealous over here)
Then they went to look at the cast list. It was different.
Ashi: This is not the class list!!
She then called Avu and blamed her for changing the Cast List.
Avneet: Do you mean Riyaz is not my Romeo?
Ashi: No! You are not Juliet!!!
Then they started arguing!
But then the teacher came and calmed them down.

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