missed you

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October 11th, 2021White Chapel Plaza, Zelan8:45 pm

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October 11th, 2021
White Chapel Plaza, Zelan
8:45 pm

yeonas first mistake was leaving the house without a jacket, wearing nothing but her shorts and her thin ass shorts. her second mistake was going out with chenle as if things wouldn't be awkward as hell.

they both obviously wanted to talk to each other but nothing was more embarrassing then starting a conversation and having it die out like they expected it to.

"i'll go order, sit out here." the pizza place had already put all the chairs inside up, for some reason closing up earlier tonight. so the only place for yeona to be able to sit and wait were the cold metal chairs that sat on the patio.

she was shivering at this point but disregarded it as she took her phone out to scroll though it anxiously. she didn't know why she put herself in this situation so quickly. chenle showed absolutely zero interest in her from the start yet she still tried, maybe that was her first mistake.

the feeling of warmth suddenly enveloped her, the girl flinching as someone draped a jacket over her shoulders.

"sorry i didn't mean to startle you, you just looked really cold." the boy that was now in front of her apologized with a bow. yeona sat there with a startled expression, looking down at the jacket that sat on her shoulders.

"that's okay, i didn't expect it though." she finally said, letting out a quiet laugh. "but you look familiar." she squinted to get a better look at the boy.

"i recognized you as well, i'm choi taebin, choi soobins little brother. you came over to my house that one time for taehyuns birthday." he smiled, holding out his hand for the girl to shake.

"oh yeah! you do look a lot like soobin now that i think of it." yeona smiled, accepting the boys hand shake. "thank you for the jacket by the way." she held the said object closer to her.

"it's noth-"
"who's this." chenle cut the boy off, pulling a chair out from the table with his foot and plopping down on it. both yeona and taebin flinched at the sound of the chair scraping on the asphalt.

"this is choi soobins younger brother. i met him at taehyuns birthday." yeona introduced. taebin smiled at chenle, giving a small wave. "i should probably get back to my friends though, so you two have fun." he pointed over at a table filled with boys.

yeona waved him off with a smile before sitting back in her chair with a sigh. "the whole choi family look so alike. soobin taebin sieun seomin, they could literally pass as like twins or something." she creased her brows, turning back to chenle who was looking at his phone.

"they are siblings." he said simply. "yeah but like- i don't know." she huffed, letting her shoulders drop as she sat back in her chair. and that was the end of the conversation.

a suffocating silence surrounded them, chenle busying himself with his phone while yeona looked up at the stars.

"do you remember that one time we went to burris park for a field trip in elementary?" she spoke up, refusing to look at the boy who she could see look at her once she talked. her heart accelerated as she shifted in her seat, hands resting on her stomach.

"for some idiotic reason, we couldn't stop trying to shove dandelions in each other's mouths at any chance we got." she snickered at the memory. "and when byeol tried to join, you told her it was a war between me and you." although she couldn't see his face, she knew he was watching her and listening to her words.

"we got in trouble for it but still did it anyways." chenle spoke up. this surprised yeona but she didn't show it, instead turning her face to look at the boy. "and then you messed up my painting." he sighed, leaning back into his chair.

"i didn't mean to! i was just messing around!" she exclaimed in defense. "don't act like you're innocent, you messed mine up too by shaking the table." she scowled. "and i shared my food with you after." chenle raised his hands as surrender, sly smile filling his lips.

"right, i'm so sorry. your cheetos definitely made up for me getting in trouble five times that day." he laughed, earning a nudge from the older. "at least you remember." she then said, uncontrollable smile finding her lips.

"i also remember that after we got in trouble for the dandelion situation, you stood on the seat of a picnic table just to play with the butterflies." chenles eyes were gazing right into hers and for once, it wasn't awkward. "a blue butterfly sat on your nose and i remember thinking about how you were probably one of the most beautiful girls i had ever seen." he said quieter than before, eyes not leaving hers.

"i also remember how badly i wanted to hold your hand, i almost did but pulled away last minute." he looked away, letting his head fall back so he could look up at the night sky. "you..." yeona trailed off, trying to process whatever the hell just happened.

"i missed you too." he confessed, chest moving up and down as he took a deep breath.

yeona couldn't explain what she was feeling right now. confused? surprised? nervous? too many emotions to just pick one that would explain.

"i never talked to you as much as you talked to me and i apologize. i just didn't exactly know how to correctly respond." he pursed his lips as he turned to the side to peer at the girl who looked in front of her in shock. "but if it's okay i'd like to start over?"

this was when yeona looked at him, heart swelling in her chest at the boys words and sincere gaze. "i don't want to." she answered, shaking her head. chenles expression became confused as he sat up.

"why not? i mean i kind of understand but like, why not?" yeona gave him an unreadable look before going back to looking at the nothingness that was in front of her. "because if we started over, we wouldn't have memories like the one we just talked about." she explained.

"to be honest, i kind of felt annoying when you'd push me away. but i thought it was because of your friends, that they'd tease you for being friends with me." she shrugged, scrunching her face uo as she cringed at her own thoughts.

"and then we ended up drifting and i gave up." she sighed for the nth time that night, stretching out her legs before she stood. "let's just continue like this. people who can talk to each other and reminisce." she smiled, pushing her arms into the jacket that taebin gave her.

chenle kept his gaze on her face for a second before nodding hesitantly. "it might be a bit awkward, but we won't know unless we try. so come on, the pizzas done." yeona held out a hand to the boy, raising her brows.

"right." chenle cleared his throat, grabbing the girls hand to help him up. he was ready to walk back towards the entrance of the pizza place but two arms around his waist stopped him from doing so.

"i really missed you you know, even if we weren't that close." yeona mumbled into his shirt, breathing in his scent. this is the place she had always wanted to be, in chenles arms. before, she hadn't known if that was a real feeling or just something she wanted to experience, but now she understood.

"i missed you too." chenle breathed, wrapping his arms around her as well. "even if we weren't that close."

the end

yeah that was probs so boring but i needed to get a book out so 😩🙌 hope you liked it, it's not something i'd usually write but i kinda liked it idk

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