rainy days at wallstone elementary

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October 15th, 2012 Wallstone Elementary, Haerin 3:48 pm

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October 15th, 2012
Wallstone Elementary, Haerin
3:48 pm

rain. all they could see and hear was rain.

yeona absolutely adored the rain, especially when it rained at school and the grey skies made it somewhat dark in the classrooms. she liked listening for the sound of rain on the roof of her class, it brought a lot of comfort.

"everyone inside!!" the yard duties called out to the after school program kids that had been playing around on the blacktops and playground. they all ran towards the one classroom that was open, some dramatically screaming like it was the end of the world.

with the way the thunder was roaring and the rain was slashing against the windows, it might as well have been.

the power went out shortly after all the soaked kids were inside, the teacher cussing under her breath as she began to speak into her walkie talkie.

"yeona i told you not to stand in the rain like that you dumbass." taehyun hissed at his best friend who wasn't completely soaked but was nearly there. "it's not that bad hyun, a little rain water never hurt anyone." she smiled, rubbing at her exposed arms in attempt to gain at least a little bit of warmth.

"you're shivering nana, at this rate you'll catch a cold." the younger scolded. "who are you? my mom?" yeona joked, pressing her head against a wall just to hear the sound of the rain. "i might as well be, maybe you would've listened." taehyun rolled his eyes.

he wore a guilty look, having no jacket to offer the shaking girl. "where'd your jacket go?" he looked around with a raised brow. "left it in our class." yeona hummed, closing her eyes.

she was cold, yes, but the sound of rain hitting the roof and walls of the portable was just so alluring.

the feeling of warmth made her even more content, her eyes popping back open to investigate why she was suddenly warm.

"ms. na told me to give you my jacket." chenle mumbled, pointing at the black zip up he had placed over her. "just give it back before you go home." he said awkwardly before turning to walk back to where sungchan jisung and the others sat.

yeona and chenle hadn't talked much since the beginning of the year. there was small chatter and interaction here and there when it needed to be but other than that, they lived their own lives.

yeona didn't exactly know if she still had romantic feelings for the boy but she still did feel very attracted to him for reasons she did not know. but since they hadn't talked much and chenle had managed to begin dating yeonas old friend, yun lina, yeona simply just did not know anymore.

mm chenle <3

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