Aletha, who had been silent for so long, now began to open her lips to say one word. "Sorry..." Aletha regretted.

Kiran took a deep breath, then folded her arms in front of her chest. "No, you don't have to apologize. I just want you to stop crying and forget about that useless man."

Instead of stopping crying, Aletha started to sob, even more, the wound in her heart was already deep, she couldn't forget Bima in such a short time. Plus, the figure of Kiran constantly scolding her Aletha, making her feel even more shattered. Suddenly the door opened again, Arka, who was Aletha's older brother, had just returned. Arka looked at Aletha and Kiran alternately, he quickly understood that the situation was not fine.

"What's the problem, mom? Why is Mom so angry? your voice can be heard outside, it's a shame if the neighbors hear it," said Arka, who suddenly appeared.

Instead of responding to Arka, Kiran just frowned while massaging the bridge of her nose. Immediately the three of them were all silent. The situation turned awkward. neither of them wanted to speak. The atmosphere seemed to be getting worse, at that moment Aletha who couldn't stand it suddenly ran upstairs. Arka who witnessed this hastily ran after Aletha. He was worried that his sister would hurt herself. Anyone can do bad things when hurt, right?

"Aletha!" Arka called in the hope that his little sister would stop her steps even for a moment.

However, it turned out that Aletha did not heed her brother's call, she quickly got into her bedroom, slammed the door, then locked herself inside. Arka of course couldn't enter Aletha's room, he just stood outside while knocking on the door slowly.

"Aletha, can I come in?" asked Arka in a soft voice.

Aletha did not give any response, she laid down on the bed, covered herself with a thick blanket, then cried silently.

"It's okay if you need time. But I just want to say, don't hurt yourself, and if you need a place to talk, I'm all ears," said Arka before leaving Aletha's room.

Aletha heard all of Arka's messages from inside the room, even so, she was still reluctant to open the door. Aletha lay curling up on the bed, she could finally let out all the tears she had been holding back. Aletha buried her face into the pillow, then let out a scream. Aletha's scream was loud enough, she was sure that her mother and brother would be able to hear her voice all the way downstairs. However, Aletha didn't care about that at all.

Half an hour had passed, Aletha had stopped crying for ten minutes ago, her tears had started to dry up, and now she was just sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her reflection in the mirror. Instantly Aletha became insecure about her appearance, she kept on ringing Bima's words saying that Shela was much prettier than her. Because of Aletha's unstable condition, she noticed the slight crease of fat under her chin and immediately branded herself ugly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Suddenly Aletha was surprised to hear a knock on the door.

"Aletha, can I come in now?" Arka again asked the same question.

Aletha thought for a moment before deciding to get up from the edge of the bed and opened the door. The two looked at each other, as a brother Arka was worried to find Aletha with messy hair and redder eyes than before.

"What is the problem?" asked Arka with a faint smile.

Aletha lowered her head while playing with her fingers for a few seconds, then she turned and sat back down on the edge of the bed. Arka stepped into Aletha's room when she accidentally stepped on something that felt soft, but moist and a little slimy. Arka looked at his feet, he had stepped on a pillow that Aletha used to cover her face when she cried. That's why the pillow was flooded with tears and even a little bit of nasal discharge. Instead of feeling disgusted by what he had just experienced, he continued on his way as if nothing had happened.

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