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Aletha stepped limply through the school gate, now she was standing on the side of the road while straightening her right hand in the hope that public transportation would stop. A few minutes passed, thankfully there was finally an angkot that pulled over and was ready to take Aletha home. Aletha immediately got on the angkot after telling the driver where she was going. Aletha took a seat in the back corner, at that moment she immediately felt uncomfortable, the reason was not the narrow angkot or the hot afternoon air, but because there were pairs of eyes suddenly watching her carefully.

It's not really surprising why Aletha suddenly became the center of attention, her appearance does not look good. Aletha had a gloomy expression with puffy eyes that were still dripping with a few drops of tear. It seemed that the people observing it were just curious about what made this teenager cried. As time went on Aletha became more and more uneasy, because she thought they were gossiping about her. as if every time the people in the angkot were whispering or talking, Aletha thought they were gossiping about her appearance.

Even so, Aletha still sat in silence, she looked down shyly with both hands that faithfully hugged her backpack. Almost seven minutes Aletha sat in silence, finally the angkot she was riding stopped, she glanced out the window and found a modern house with whitewashed walls. Of course, it was Aletha's house.

Aletha then got off the angkot, she gave the driver 10.000 rupiahs without asking for a change. The angkot was gone, While the angkot was leaving, Aletha stepped into the front yard. Aletha deliberately stopped her footsteps right in front of the door, she took the time to take her phone from her bag to check the condition of her face. Aletha looked into her phone camera, she looked really messed up. Aletha wiped the tears that were still on her cheeks, trying to cover up the fact that she had been crying. However, it was of course useless, Aletha's puffy and red eyes couldn't lie.

Reluctantly Aletha opened the door and stepped her right foot into the house. Aletha's mother was sitting on the couch in the living room, Kiran was immediately shocked to find her daughter coming home in that condition. Kiran hurriedly got up and stepped sat closer to Aletha.

"Aletha, what's wrong with you?" asked Kiran worriedly.

Aletha knew that Kiran always forbade her to have a boyfriend. Aletha was sure that if she answered honestly, she would get in to trouble. However, Aletha's little heart said that lying to her mother was a bad choice. Therefore, Aletha mustered all the remaining courage, to tell her mother the truth.

"Mom... I-I just broke up with my boyfriend," Aletha replied, stammering a little.

In an instant Kiran's face turned red, she couldn't control her anger until she reflexively threw her palm against Aletha's cheek hard enough. As a result, Kiran's palm made a red print on Aletha's cheek. Aletha, who suddenly received such treatment, then again shed tears. Aletha immediately held the part of her cheek that was in pain, now she lowered her face, not daring to look at Kiran's eyes which were filled with emotion.

"Aletha! How many times do I have to tell you? You can't date! Dating is not important, just a waste of time!" Kiran snapped.

Aletha didn't move as she continued to listen to Kiran's scolding.

"I'm disappointed in you, Aletha. How come you never listen to your mom? Even though I just want to give you the best, so you don't get hurt. You see, who's in trouble? You're on your own aren't you!" Kiran tried to express her disappointment to Aletha.

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