Chapter 1: First Secret Revealed

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I was having the best dream so far; taking public transport to school, having that sudden girl's night out with my girlfriends with no interruptions, having that freedom to be myself in front of everyone. But it was suddenly interrupted when I heard a screeching squeal inside our room.

My eyes popped open from the head-splitting noise. "You won't believe what I saw guys!" a small, high-pitched voice scream resounded in our classroom. "Oh my gosh! They're like ANGELS! ANGELS, I tell you!" Jennifer screamed and squealed as she jumped  and grabbed Marco in the arm, shaking him like there's no tomorrow.

i raised my head, though it felt like it's going to break in half. I turned to look at the window and searched for any sign of that angel Jen said. But all I can see are girls running all over the corridor and classrooms, shrieking. Oh please. Why can't these girls, just for once, act like civilized mammals?

"Jen? Did you really see an angel?" I asked as I turned my head into her direction with a bit of a sigh. Jen suddenly froze. She looked at me sharply and said, "Yes Max. I did." She raised her, put her hands on her waist and approached me. I can feel the black aura she's emitting. It's like, I'd be dead if I decided to move one of my fingers. She stopped in front of me and lowered her head. "Of course, loser. Why would I lie?" Jen said, her eyes thinning like razor blades.

I admit, I was a bit scared. Jen is one of those people whom you don't want to mess around with. So, to hide that bit of fear, I yawned and dropped my head into my desk again. "Fine. Whatever," I said, portraying lack of interest.

I heard her 'hmp' as she stormed out of our room. "And there goes the drama queen," Dan said causing the rest of the room laugh. "Come on Max. How do you that? Piss off Ms. Jen "I-Have-It-All"?" asked Ally.

"I dunno," I said, sighing. "I'm just making sure I won't show her how scared I am of her," I said feeling beaten.

I don't like showing people my weaknesses. Of course, who in their right state of mind would like to show their weaknesses to others?

Anyway, my friends were still into the Jen-The-Drama-Queen thing when Ms. Boston, our college secretary, came into our room. "Ahem." My friends stopped laughing immediately. I sat up straight and looked at the classroom door where Ms. Boston was standing. I tried to focus my attention to her words but something really messes with my concentration.

"...So everyone, I'd like you to meet Mr. Syusuke Hamilton," Ms. Boston continued as she opened the door wider.

What the hell is this?!

I was looking at him. I really can't believe this is happening to me. I was so shocked that I blurted out the worst line ever. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

Everyone in the room looked at me. Even Ms. Boston. But it was a bit different because she was glaring. I suddenly became conscious of my surroundings. I started to lower my head when Ms. Boston said something to the guy beside him. "I am so sorry Mr. Hamilton. Ms. Calloway isn't always like that," she said looking at my direction, giving me  the stare.

"That's all right Ms. Boston," the guy said with a smile. "That's the reaction I'm really expecting from her," he said, turning to me and giving me a wink.

This is so not happening!!

"Oh! Really? That sounds like you know her," Ms. Boston added, showing annoyance in her tone. You can definitely see that she's flirting with him. All those body languages and pheromones. Ugh! But obviously, the guy's ignoring her. Ha!

"Well, Yes. I do know her," he said still staring at me. I felt my body shiver. My palms were starting to sweat and my fingers are turning into ice. "I know her pretty well," he said emphasizing the words 'pretty well'.

"You do?" asked Ms. Boston with surprise in her voice. "No!" I exclaimed, interrupting their conversation. "He doesn't know me. I don't know him. We don't know each other," I said feeling that sudden rush of adrenaline in my body. I can feel all the stares in the room. It's either they're looking at me, or they're looking at Syusuke, or they're looking at the both of us.

"Yes you do," he said as he put his arms across his chest. He showed that playful smile that always pisses me off. "No, I don't! And will you stop that?!" I said. I stood up and showed him that I'm pissed. "Stop what?" he asked, feigning innocence. "That!" I said clearing my point. "That what?" He's clearly enjoying this.

"Whoa! People! Chill out," a voice said. Another guy came into the room. "Hey bro. Stop messing with her. Pissing your girlfriend off won't earn you your forgiveness," he added, placing his hand on Syusuke's shoulder. "Hi Max! Long time no see. How are you?" he continued as he made his way into the room and gave me a hug. "I've missed you so much! WE missed you so much," he said as he let go of me and held me at an arm's length. He studied me, looking at me from head to toe as he hold onto his bright smile.

I was probably really shock because the next thing I knew, he started laughing. "Dude! Syusuke. She really is shocked!" he said as he continued to laugh. I finally caught up with my surroundings. I turned to look at Syusuke but found him stiffling a smile. "Really Kyle? You find this funny?" I said. I removed Kyle's hands on my shoulder and darted towards the door when someone got hold of me.

"Where do you think you're going, Hon?" be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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