They Meet

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Harry's POV:


The little brass bell above the old wooden door sounds as another person enters the store.

The smell upon entering the store is always described by my mum as what she guesses heaven smells like. Every wall was lined with flowers and the wooden checkout counter lined the back wall. The flowers were not arranged in any particular way but they did seem to all fit well with one another. The floors were old and creaked when you walked on them, the cup ring on the counter along with the random ribbon here or there gave the store a very homey feeling.

"Hello?" a soft voice laced with a doncaster accent spoke from the doorway.


The door closed behind him

"One second!"  I called from the back as I sort out some roses ordered for a wedding the day after next.

I shuffle things around and have to take a moment when i see the boy standing in front of me. He's not very tall around 5'9" ish. Medium brown hair, eyes bluer than the ocean. I've never seen a blue like that before. . .

God he's gorgeous

The next thing I know i hear a crash and the vase with roses I was holding is on the floor.


"Hi" he says with a small smile.

I reach down and pick up the vase and roses that thankfully didn't break. Setting it on the counter I arrange myself and look back at the beautiful boy in front of me. He has tattoos mainly lining his right arm with a short what they call a peaky blinders haircut. A light brown jumper, jeans, and trainers make him look that much better.

"So." I say with a smile on my face "what can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for a bouquet of flowers for my one month anniversary with my girlfriend."


"Of course, anything particular in mind?"

"Well I want something that says i love you."

"Well I bet I can help you find the perfect selection."

I walk around the store with him showing him what flowers would be perfect. We end up choosing out some red tulips, honeysuckle, and daisy's. He chooses out the red vase and I arrange them for him. Why do the pretty ones always have to be taken. I start ring up the flowers for him.

"Will that be all..."

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson"

"Well will that be all for you Louis?"

"I believe so."

As I get him all checked out I try to make some small talk.

"I haven't seen you around before. Are you going to the university?"

"Ya Im a sophomore I just transferred, wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city."

"Makes sense. I hope your enjoying it here so far. It's a nice little town. Does your girlfriend also live here?" Girlfriend, ew

"No she lives in the city. It's okay though we see each other pretty often."

"That's good, I bet she's nice" I bet she's ugly

"She is, well thank you very much for your help..."

"Styles. Harry Styles"

"Okay Bond" he says in a funny deep voice. "Your name sounds like you were either made to be a Rock star or work in a bakery."

"Well I've done one of the two" I say with a small chuckle.

"Well I hope maybe one day you can accomplish the other one."

"Nah, I think I'm good here in my small town flower shop. It's kind of nice"

"Well it seems kind of nice, especially with you behind the counter." A bit of a smirk is present on his face. "I'll see you around Styles."

"See you around Louis..."


Louis turns around, "Thank you again, it's been a pleasure."


Harry watched as he puts on his aviator sunglasses and gets in his car. He turn to look over at Harry one more time through the window before driving off.

Fuck. I really hope I see him again soon.

Hey guys!! So I've been a larrie for years and years and years and I decided to finally start writing some of the story ideas i've got! Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter. I know it's kinda short but it's just how the scenes work. I've got a couple more stories I'm starting soon and please don't forget to comment so i know what y'all think of it! Love you guys 3000 <3

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