Sixteen: Wes

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I'd slept way too much after getting out of the hospital, so the next day, I was up with the sun. Mia was still dozing, probably exhausted by the emotions of dealing with her garbage excuse for a mother, so I snuck out of bed and tucked the down comforter around her. My little Mia Burrito. So, maybe I just stayed in the bedroom a minute and stared at her. Sue me. However, soon my bladder decided it was done waiting and I made a break for the bathroom, before grabbing my phone and heading onto the balcony.

I had quite a few missed messages. Mostly texts from people who'd obviously heard what happened. Should've known it wasn't going to stay quiet. Even Channing and Lucy texted me to make sure I was alright. I didn't respond. I responded to family, my agent, my lawyer, and then I called Bill. I had a few missed calls from him, so I figured he was the most important starting place.

"How's the head?" he asked. It was almost noon back in Los Angeles. I could practically see him sitting at his desk, fourth cup of black coffee in hand.

"Sore," I answered with a yawn. "Feel better than I did yesterday anyway."

"What the hell happened?"

I rolled my eyes. "He was talking shit about Mia. I told him repeatedly to stop and when he didn't, I threw out some... accusations that he apparently didn't appreciate. Turned to leave and... my lights went out."

Bill stayed silent a moment. I knew he was stewing about something, but I had zero idea what. "I need you to be honest with me, Wes..."


"You and Mia aren't just friends, are you?"

My heart sprung up into my throat. Shit. Shit shit shit. "I, um..."

"Wes, come on. I've seen the way you look at the girl. Since she's been assigned to you, you've become a completely different person. The girl is good at her job, but even she's not that good."

"Look, I know how things... look..."

"Weston. Honesty. Please."

I sighed heavily, my elbows sinking into the skin of my thighs as I hunched over, running a nervous hand over my face. When I spoke, my voice was nothing more than a hoarse whisper. "I don't want to get her in trouble..."

"Why would she be in trouble?"

"Because! The rule! I can't hook up with my agents, but it's not like that..."

"You know that's not an ACTUAL rule, right, Wes?" Bill said with a chuckle. "It was more about you not making my employees the flavor of the night, but... it's been a few months with Mia now..."

I laughed sheepishly. "When'd you figure it out?"

"The day you ran in here, looking for her in a panic."

"That honestly had more to do with missing an appointment..."

"Right. Keep telling yourself that, kid."

"So... you're not going to fire her, right? She is... terrified about getting into trouble over us."

"Of course not," Bill snapped, sounding annoyed that I'd even ask such a thing. "Am I thrilled by it? Not as a businessman, no. But as your uncle who wants the best for you and SEES what she's done? I'd never do anything to stop it."

"I REALLY like her, Unc. Like... a lot. Like... more than I've ever liked anyone..."

"I know. I'm not stupid. You're not in this office every day to see me."

I laughed again and sat up, feeling much more at ease than I had mere minutes ago. "I've never felt like this before... It scares the shit outta me."

"Hm. Maybe you better not fuck it up then, huh?"

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