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The he met Charlene. She was amazing. Long blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and small. There was one problem. She was just like Melissa. Ty had spent years searching and stalking for another Melissa. It was an obsessive addiction. He thought Charlene was actually Melissa inside. Too bad Charlene had no clue. Now, she was the one starving herself to fit into the same dress Melissa wore on her wedding day.

"Ughhhhhhh, it doesn't fit. Why won't it fit? I'm 102 pounds.This dang dress should be fitting. I refuse to be that fat. Come oooooooooon!" struggled Charlene.

"i'm sure it will fit on the day. It's just six weeks away. You got time sweetie. Plus, you look fine anyway. There's no need for you to kill yourself over this dress. Your'e perfect Mel... I mean Charlene,' stammered Ty.

"Are you cheating on me? You seem to almost say a name more often now. I didn't notice it at first, but it's really becoming a problem. so, who is this Melissa chick? Can I meet her? Should I just call this whole wedding off?" questioned Charlene.

'No, no, no need for that. Melissa isssssss........ my mother. Yeah, my mother. She um, umm passed a few years back and you remind me so much of her, I just get caught up and really miss her," whimpered Ty.

"Awwww, why didn't you tell me? Well, I bet she was a great woman," stated Charlene.

"I'm going to work. Miss me a little when i'm gone. Please. See you later. Dinner at the Rouque Plaza at 6. Meet me there," declared Ty.

"Soo there like every Tuesday. I'm going to work out. Gotta stay fit not fat!" said Charlene.

Charlene decided to work out intensivley today for five hours. When she was done, she could barely walk, her head throbbed, and she was throwing up blood everywhere! she knew this wasn't normal, but didn't want ot see a doctor. Now, she met up with Ty at dinner later that evening.

"Will I make it? I am really sick. I love you and care for you with all my heart and soul, but if i die before the wedding, would you remember me?" pestered Charlene.

"Now you know your'e just talking crazy. I know and you know that neither one of us is dying soon. If that does happen, well it never will!"said Ty.

Ty and Chrlene enjoyed the rest of their night. They continued the same routine for many weeks until it was the morning of their wedding day. Many weeks of throwing up had passed for Charlene. They also paid off because she fit that wedding dress. Not necessarily filled out perfectly, but Melissa looked the same two years ago. It was creepy because they almost looked the same except for Charelne's beauty mark and dimples. Same dress. Same Church. Same minister. Same date. Same time. Ty was replaying the entire wedding day of him and Melissa. He hoped this time his bride-to-be would make it past the honeymoon. Sadly, Charlene didn't know she had developed ulsars in her stomach. Almost thirteen ulsers were fully developed inside of her. This explained all the bleeding and stomach aching.

While in a coughing spasm, Charlene started to cough up more and more blood. It splattered all throughout the room as she struggled for air. The blood stained her dress and shoes. Even her hair and face were being speckled with the red fluid. No one heard her scream or plead for help. When she never appeared on the aisle, Ty went to retrieve her. only to find her head down in the empty sink.

Ty immediately broke down. He prayed to God this was not happening to him a second time. He shook Charlene to hope she would shake into life. Her body only took the subconcious abuse. So he laid there, her body in his arms , for hours. Crying and pleading to God to bring Melissa back through Charlene or anybody. He laid there until four in the morning. His eyes burning, he stared into the mirror.

He said "I am a monster, not a human being. I destroyed Melissa, now it's her turn to destroy me! I'm sorry Melissa! I didn't mean to. I loved you,cherished you, cared for you. Why did you leave me? I don't deserve this!!! I... don't... Look, look what I've turned into. No more. No more. Nooooooooooooo More will I carry the regret. End me Melissa. I can't wait to see you," screamed Ty. He shed dirty tears. Then, punched the mirror. Blood rushed from his hands. He began to use the pieces to slice himself. twenty, thirty, forty cuts. each relieved him of all the memories, all the times he had with Melissa. He didn't care about Charlene. That was his new Melissa, now with her gone, he couldn;t wait to see his true Melissa. He kept cutting. Puddles of blood formed all around Ty. He screamed and cried and laughed crazily. Until.............. until he bled out.

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