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> Twenty five < Epilogue

Things were different. Time passed, the leaves fell, Louis sat staring ahead his eyes dancing on his husband. The man had dragged the television into their bedroom for Louis to watch as he laid in bed sick. The sickness started that morning when Louis had awoke throwing up every content in his body. Sighing softly Louis lazily smiled when Harry turned on Tom and Jerry, "Is this good?"

"Yes daddy." Louis assured becoming enraptured in the childish program. Harry smiled warmly at the man, some things never change. His husbands childish ways being one. After fawning over him a little longer Harry retreated back to his office to work. "Hello?

"Hey, I was wondering if we could come see Louis, he won't answer his phone." Luke explained, "He must've fell asleep, he woke up sick this morning. Nothing a good visit couldn't fix. Please come over." Harry chuckled hanging up when Luke gave his okay.

"He's in here." Harry whispered opening the door to see a passed out Louis, tiny snores coming from his mouth, "I have to pop into work, could you stay with him?" Harry asked quietly searching Luke's eyes for a "yes" upon receiving it Harry ran out promising to be back in no time. Luke smiled softly at the boy taking a seat on the bed, "Lou?"

"L-Lukie?" Louis whimpered, "Yea baby brother, it's me." Luke assured kissing his cheek, "Z-zaynie?"

"Zaynie's down stairs making you some soup."

"O-oh." Louis huffed softly turning again to sleep as Luke rubbed circles in his back. When Zayn strolled in with a bowl of soup he took Luke's spot sitting Louis up a bit so he could feed him, "How're you feeling?" Zayn asked, "S-since 'weddin, tummy hurt." Louis complained, "Your stomach has hurt ever since the wedding?" Luke questioned arching an eyebrow, Louis nodded solemnly taking some of the soup Zayn fed him. He ended up draining the bowl, feeling completely fine afterwards.

"I think someone is a big faker." Zayn joked to Harry who held Louis on his lap on the couch as he smoked his nightly cigarette, "I not fake." Louis growled ignoring his rude brother, "Alright Lou-Lou, I'll send Luke over here tomorrow to check back up on you okay? Love you." Zayn hummed peppering his face with kisses until he got his giggle. "Are you sure you're okay baby?" Harry pushed as Louis held his stomach, "N-no smoke daddy, hurts tummy." Louis complained, Harry sighed with a grumble putting it out for Louis' sake. "Better?"

"C-can I have ice?" Louis pleaded, "You want some ice?" Harry repeated, "Yes daddy, please." Louis whined, "Alright baby, let me get it." Harry mumbled going to retrieve it. Handing Louis the cup of ice Harry continued to send weird looks as the boy munched on the ice chips. When bed time called Louis laid on top of Harry instead of just curling into him, "Baby not that I don't love you, but c-can you move just a little?" Louis growled annoyed Harry would even ask such a thing, "Sorry I to fat." He snarled scooting to the other side of the bed, Harry sighed loudly, "I married a man so I wouldn't have this problem." Harry muttered pulling Louis closer to him.

"He's sick again?" Luke exclaimed, "Just morning sickness, I'm sure it'll fly by." Harry assured as he hung up heading to work. Luke chewed his bottom lip stopping by a pharmacy on his way to Louis' house. "Baby brother, where are you?" He called, "Lukie?" Louis hummed strolling into the hallway with a bowl of ice cream in hand, "Bobby gots me this. He so nice." Louis purred, Luke smiled warmly nodding, "Alright baby brother, I need you to do something for me."


"Pee on this stick." Luke informed bringing out a pregnancy test. Louis huffed in annoyance before leading Luke to the nearest bathroom where he peed on the stick, "There." Luke took it carefully laying it on the counter, "N-now we wait a minute."

"F-for What?" Louis questioned hoping something cool would happen, "We wait and see if Harry truly wants a family." Luke muttered under his breath. Louis sucked in a breath weighing his options of eating his ice-cream or waiting for a stick to do something. As he resumed eating his treat a minute flew by for him, but crept by for Luke who peaked from his hands seeing a plus sign... "O-oh god. Oh god. Oh god no."


"L-Louis sit down." The boy did as told watching Luke freak out with a grin plastered on his face, "L-Louis a plus sign m-means t-that you're p-pregnant." Luke informed to have Louis drop his ice-cream, "I-I gonna be a daddy?!" He squealed, "Well you'll most likely be the Papa, but yes." Luke assured pulling Louis in to hug the life out of him. Louis held both hands on his tummy, "I love you." He swore grinning until he heard the front door open, "Anyone home?" Harry called, Luke quickly cleaned up the ice-cream, as Louis hid the test going to kiss Harry when he ran up the stairs. "My baby." Harry cooed kissing his forehead. Luke left shortly after that, the couple having a dinner of grilled chicken, Harry drank wine while Louis sipped on water. Cuddling in bed, Louid couldn't wait until the next day.

"Daddy?" Louis called entering their room where Harry was putting on his white cotton T-shirt. "Yes baby?" Louis sweetly smiled, "I have a trick. Close your eyes." Harry smiled doing as told, Louis giggled holding the pregnancy test behind his back, his oceanic eyes shining brighter then usual. Brining it in front of his face Louis inhaled sharply before releasing an ecstatic "Now open."

>> Before you ask, there will be another book. Don't expect it to soon either. It might take a little bit. I didn't plan on it ending like this, but it just felt right. I would personally like to thank each and every reader, and every one who has voted, it has helped get this story to where it is now. And I have you all to thank for that. I can't put into words my gratitude for the amazing support and wonderful comments. Thank you so so much. For the last time, in this book, Until next time ~Emma : )




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