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> Twelve < : Harry....Harold
"You missed a spot. Clean the whole floor again." Harry ordered passing Louis by cigarette in hand, "Sir can't I just wipe that one spot?" Louis sighed, Harry shot his glare to the boy harshly snatching his jaw up to face him, "What did I say?" Louis grunted, struggling in Harry's tight grip, "Answer me." Harry growled taking a drag on his cigarette, "T-to clean the whole floor again sir." Louis huffed glaring into Harry's eyes, "That's right." Harry fakely gushed blowing the smoke into Louis' face which twisted in disgust breaking away from Harry's grip. Harry left after that storming to his office leaving Louis to wash the grand dinning rooms floor again. Mentally cursing Harry, Louis finally finished the grueling task rising to his feet. Recently, Harry had been a real asshole. Everyone noticed it. Especially Louis. Partly why "sir" was back. His daddy was gone, the first Harry returned.
"What Lewis?" Harry asked annoyance laced through his tone, "I-I'm d-done."
"About time. Get to cleaning our bedroom. Spic and span, I see anything out of place that's five lashes. Yes?"
"Y-yessir." Louis whimpered. He had been doing a ton of cleaning lately. They still slept in the same bed together, but that was it. Harry didn't even touch Louis apart from spanking. There was no cuddling, kisses, hugs, it was Harold. Not Harry. Not daddy.
Trudging to the bedroom, Louis made the bed to the best of his ability, tidied up the closet, took all the clothes to the laundry room. Though they have a maid/butler, Bobby hasn't been doing any work. Louis missed Zayn as he put the clothes in the washer starting it like Harry had taught him. Harry laughed when Louis accidently turned one of the shirts pink. Harold beat him for it. Harry invited Zayn over, Harold threw him out. It was like they really were two different people. Harry and Harold, Daddy and Sir.
"Sir?" Louis called again tip-toeing to his office, "Yeah baby?" Harry returned, tears sprung Louis' eyes at that. It had been easily four days without baby, or love; it was Lewis now. Lewis and Sir. Not Baby and Daddy. "I-I fi-finished."
"Alright baby, daddy's almost done." Harry assured, it was when he referred to himself as Daddy, that brought sobs from the boy. Tackling Harry in a hug, the man was stunned, "Baby what's wrong?" Harry rushed kissing the latter's temple to calm him. "Y-you l-left! A-and i-I w-as ss-so sc-ared! I-I ca-lled you s-sir!" Louis managed. It broke Harry's heart to hear it. "Baby, listen to me, Daddy is sick okay? A-and he ran out of pills to take that make him happy. So I'm going to call Zayn and have him sleep with you tonight, and you'll see me in the morning okay?" Harry explained, Louis held onto him tightly, nodding nonetheless, "I want it verbal baby."
"Y-yes Daddy."

Zayn came with Luke, Harry and him on decent grounds at the moment. Partly because Zayn looked Harry up, the man is a raging depressive and small bipolar. Those things mixed could only be the result in his mixed behavior. Though Harry was on medication, his prescription ran out. After seeing Eleanor, it snapped him back to his "I don't need it." But he did. Oh god he did.
"House is clean." Luke noted, "Daddy made me clean it." Louis replied, Zayn sighed somehow he just knew Harry didn't tell Louis about his sudden change in behavior. "Lou Lou, where did Harry say he was going?" Zayn questioned,
"To get pills to make daddy happy." Louis replied resuming to colour with Luke stroking his hair. Louis had sadly gotten worse with Harry. The older man taught him nothing, he wanted Louis to keep his uneducated mind. The only thing Harry did teach him was his A B C's, which he sang to Bobby almost every day. Unless Harry scolded him for being a bother.
Zayn didn't understand why Harry wouldn't teach the boy anything, only Harry had his reasons. The world had been nothing but awful for Harry. Once you understand how cruel people are, you hate them. Louis loved everyone. Harry didn't want to loose that spark Louis had. "Lou? The phones for you!" Luke called, Louis ran in the kitchen picking it up, "Hello? It Louis talking." Louis reported, Luke and Zayn shared a smile, "I know who it is baby. How are you?" Harry asked on the phone, "Miss you, but I'm okay. How daddy?"
"I'm fine baby."
"You happy?" Louis pushed grinning as he held the phone to his ear, "Yes baby, I'm happy. You go to bed now okay? I'll see you in the morning." Harry remarked, "Daddy I can't. Need you."
"Louis baby, I can't be there at the moment. Go to sleep. Be daddy's good boy."
"No." Louis finally snapped. Harry was back to being happy, Louis needed his cuddle. "If I find out that you aren't in bed asleep in the next thirty minutes, you're getting yourself a spanking." Harry chastised, Louis huffed, "Fine! I no talk more. Bye daddy." Handing the phone to Luke, Louis stomped off towards the living room pouting on the couch. Zayn took the phone, "Harry? What did you say to him?"
"I told him to go to bed. I have plans tomorrow and I don't need him grumpy." Harry exclaimed, "He's watching TV now, I'll tell him to go to bed." Zayn assured, "I want you to text me the moment he gets into the actual bed. Don't threaten him, just suggest he get in bed. Please and thank you." Harry remarked hanging up. Zayn sighed, it sounded like something he would do for Luke.
"Lou, I think it's time for bed now." Zayn announced entering the living room, "No." Louis growled, "Okay then. Stay up, I don't care." Zayn added leaving him be. Luke went with Zayn up to the guest bedroom having some play time.
Around two am, Louis poked his head in, "I-I'm g-going to bed." Luke gasped awaken, they had suggested the boy going to bed at eleven. Hopping out of bed, he walked Louis to Harry's and his bed laying him down. "Good luck to Harry in the morning." Luke mumbled returning to the bed, after texting Harry that Louis had just went to bed.

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