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> T W E N T Y< : Y-yes...

"Louis perk up! It's our day!" Luke tried, his little brother showing no signs of obeying. Harry had sent to two off for a day full of fun and shopping, he had some secret work to do at the house. However it was in the sixth tore they went into where Louis saw his old owners' old sub. Stan had two subs, one he loved. That one wasn't Louis. She had looked healthy again. Louis thought she had died one night after her and Stan had gotten into it. Exhaling softly Louis noted that she stayed at the makeup counter, "L-lukie? I-I go here. I be back." he mumbled ditching the shopping bags as he hesitantly took the crème stool, "Hi! What can I... L-Louis?" Charlotte whimpered, her makeup brush met the floor as she reached out brushing a finger over his delicate skin, "L-look at you. W-where is he?"

"I-I k-kill S-tan." she gasped as the confession her eyes searching for the truth, because no way in hell it could be true. "H-how? W-why?"

"H-he t-ry to r-rape mm-me." Louis whimpered, Charlotte felt tears prick her eyes, "I'm glad you got away."

"Y-you too." Louis agreed a small smile forming as he himself felt happy that he had got away. He was given to Harry. What wasn't to love about that? "So what am I doing today?" She asked on a more cheery note, "Something elegant. His Dom has big plans tonight." Luke informed with an arched eyebrow to Louis. The younger boy furrowed his eyebrows together, he didn't recall Harry telling him about any plans. "Alright then. Let's see what I can do." She hummed beginning to pat a base foundation on his face, before using a brush that felt lighter then air to enhance his cheek bones. Using a very light eye shadow it made Louis' eyes deeper than the ocean. It was beauty. Natural beauty.

"Are you ready?" Luke asked smiling from ear to ear, "I no know where we go." Louis reminded with a pout. He hated secrets. "It'll be okay. You love surprises."

"No I not."

"Oh hush Lou." Luke sneered closing the car door for him as the two drove to the designated spot Harry wanted to meet for dinner. Louis wore a soft blue shirt, tight black skinny jeans with black toms. It was simple, yet look exquisite on Louis. Where Luke had parked Louis could see lights. It was a trail. Getting out slowly Luke waved from the car pulling out. Louis went wide eyed, he had been abandoned. Shaking to himself he crept towards the lit path figuring that was the safest way to go. Slowly making his way down, he was in awe as the Christmas lights sparked amongst the trees, his grey sweater wrapping around him with the wind. When the path came to a bridge Louis squealed in delight running to cross the stone bridge, under the lights it seemed like heaven. The cold night becoming incoherent as he twirled around feeling two again. "Figured you'd like it here." A familiar voice called, it was deep and raspy, though it was laced with a warm smile. "Daddy." Louis beamed holding his hand out, Harry accepted the invitation initiated by Louis taking the boys hand. "Y-you do this?"

"I didn't hand the lights. But, the park was my idea."

"I love it." Louis giggled curling into the man, Harry cocked his head to the side laying his lips on Louis' their kiss ecstasy as Louis floated to a high. "S-saw Lottie today." Louis informed as the two began to stroll through the remainder of the park, "Oh? Who's that?"

"O-one of s-Stan's S-subs."

"Let's not talk about him. This night's about us baby." Harry reminded, "Yes daddy." Louis chirped linking their hands together instead of holding Harry's arm. It was when two trees stretched across the paths meeting that the road stopped. There spread out was a blanket with candles, wine, and a basket. Louis giggled plopping down, "Daddy what this?"

"This is our picnic baby. Shall we?" He gestured towards the wine glasses, Louis held his out as the crimson liquid filled it. Taking a sip Louis hummed in content as it burned his throat. "Louis?"

"Y-yes daddy?"

"Say you love me."

"I love you daddy." Louis repeated, Harry smiled, "And I Louis love you more then anything. My gorgeous baby. Beautiful body, beautiful heart. I love how you talk. I love how you see the world, how hurt you get when someone doesn't return the wave you sent them. I love how you make me feel. How I feel around you. Your sass, god Louis how you swing your hips when you walk away angrily. I love teasing you. But most of all, I love you." Harry rambled though both were caught in his words, that was until Harry leaned in kissing Louis again softly before pulling away holding a single quarter between his fingers, "Keep your eyes on this quarter. Now close them for two seconds." Harry ordered with a dumb grin, Louis mirrored his grin doing as told, when Harry let the quarter fall in his sleeves, getting the other item in-between his finger. "Open."

Louis peeled open his eyes as Harry showed no quarter but reached behind Louis' ear to pull out a ring. "W-Will y-you Ma-Mar.. Oh god. Hold on Lou. Will you... Marry me?" Harry exhaled, Louis gasped his words caught in his throat as tears burned his eyes quickly nodding, "Y-yes! Y-yes daddy!" Louis finally squealed slipping the ring on as he laid on Harry in a passionate make out session. The two didn't seem phased that they were practically doing it in a public park. That was until Harry felt himself getting wet. Not by Louis. No, it had started pouring on the two. Louis glanced up giggling loudly as he pushed off Harry getting up to dance in the rain. Harry stared at him stupidly, he was just making out with him... and now he was dancing in the rain. "C'mon daddy!" Louis cheered his squeals audible throughout the park. Harry chuckled silently as the thought crossed his mind, "You're going to Marry this?" , Hell yeah he was. Running to join Louis in the rain, both danced as if nothing else mattered. Harry picking Louis up swinging him around wildly. Planting their lips together the rain made it difficult for them to stay on top of each other but it was perfect. Harry's future was set.

Louis rested on Harry in the car home both soaked from their dance in the rain. He glanced at the ring peering up at Harry kissing the mans jaw before reaching his lips, "I love you daddy."

"I love you too baby."

"N-no daddy... T-tonight I'm Princess." Louis informed as both slipped inside heading for the bedroom where love was made five different times. The two fully energized with love. Ready for the future.

>> Oh Ma Gawd. I bet none of ya'll seen this coming!! HA HA HA! Gotcha! Boo! I'm like super hyper for no reason lol. I want sixteen comments for the next one. Two per person counts. You can do more, but I'll only count two. Love you all!!! ~ EMMA : )



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