Chapter 6

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Me, Alessandro, Luca, And Elijah all get to the restaurant and sit down at one of the tables.

"When did you guys get back?" I say to Alessandro and Luca.

"A couple of days ago" Alessandro replied

I nod and the waiter comes and we all order our food.

"We are getting dessert after this right?" Luca asks

"Of course we are" Elijah says laughing

"I have an idea" I said

"What?" they all say

"Do you guys want to sleepover today like we used to? I still have to ask but it will be fun" I say

"I'm down" Alessandro says

"Sure" Luca says

"Yeah" Elijah says

I go to the bathroom and call my Mother because he's most likely to say yes. While i'm walking back I see someone staring at me, What the fuck.

Dominic Moretti is once again staring at me. Did he know I was here? Then I remember, He's probably looking at me because I was with Alessandro and Luca and they are also from the Italian Mafia.

I don't think much of it so I go back to the table.

"Guess what bitchessss" I say as I sit down

"What" They all reply

"You guys can sleepover" I say

They all nod and then I remember.

"By the way, Domimic is here"

"What?" Alessandro says

"I saw him on my way back from the bathroom" I say

"He never comes here though" Luca says

"We saw him last week also at a different restaurant" Elijah says

"Do you think that he is following you two?" Alessandro

"I don't think so, We did nothing that would do any harm to the Italian mafia or him personally so there would be no reason why" I said

I shrugged and we all continue talking more.

"Can we go now? I'm supposed to be home in twenty minutes" I say

They all nod and we pay and start walking out. I look over and still see Dominic still staring at me, No emotion on his face but he's just staring.

As we walk out we all get in in the car and drive home. When we get inside we say hi to everyone and go to my room.

"I'm bored what do y'all want to do?" Elijah asks

"Can we do face masks?" I ask

They all say no



I smile as we start applying the face masks.

"Do you just wash this off after?" Luca asks

"You peel it off" I say

"What the fuck do you mean peel, Don't you just wash it off?" Alessandro says

"Some off them you wash off, But with this one you have to peel it off" I explain

After we do our face masks we start watching movies and then all go to sleep.

When I wake up I feel something heavy on me, I look down and they are laying on eachother and on me.

"What the fuck? Move over" I say to all of them

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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