Chapter 4

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Me and Elijah got to the restaurant and took a seat at the table.A lot of people actually seem to think that me and Elijah like eachother but we see eachother as brother and sister because we grew up together, So it's not weird going to restaurants with him and shit.

"I don't know if I'm even going to fit in living here thought" I explained to Elijah, Continuing our conversation.

"You'll be fine, You always are" He says reassuring me.

"Thank you Elijah" I said

He nods and the waiter comes and we order our food.

After we eat we start talking more but I notice someone staring at me, They have been staring at me the whole dinner.I couldn't figure out who they were so I asked Elijah.

"Elijah do you know that man over there? He has been staring at me the whole time" I explained to him.

"What is he doing here" He whispered under his breath.

"Elijah who is that?" I said

"That's Dominic Moretti, He is in the Italian Mafia. His Father is the leader" He explained

I nod my head and look over and he is still staring at me. He's the most perfect man I have ever seen but i'm just confused right now so I want to leave.

"Elijah can we leave?" I asked

"Sure let me pay first" He says

Elijah pays and we leave the restaurant, I can feel Dominic staring at me the whole time as me and Elijah walk out.

Elijah drops me off at home and he leaves.

I walk inside the house and walk straight up to my room. A couple of minutes later I hear a knock at the door, I opened it.

"Dinners ready" Landon said

"I just ate with Elijah"

"I think you still have to come"

"Okay fine"

We walk downstairs and sit down at the table.

"Why do I still have to be here? I just ate with Elijah" I said to everyone

"You still have to stay to talk with us" My Mother said

We started talking and I got a call.

"Answer it here" My Father said

I answered it.

"Hey" They both said at the same, They called from the groupchat.

"Alessandro? Luca?" I said surprised

"Yes it's us" Alessandro said

"Do you want to hangout tomorrow?" Luca asked

"What are you talking about? Aren't you guys in Italy?" I said confused

"We're back" Alessandro said

"So is it a yes or no?" Luca said

"Yes" I said

"Okay bye, We will pick you up and also idk if Elijah can come but he told us which house to pick you up from"

"Bye" I said

"Who is Alessandro and Luca?" Ashton asked

"They were my best friends since we were little, They are brothers and me, Them and Elijah used to hang out all the time but they were in Italy so I couldn't see them.They just called me and said they came back so can I go out with them tomorrow?" I asked

"We have to meet them first" My Father said

"Um okay" I said

                               Bestie groupchat

Amelia: My family wants to meet you both before we go out tomorrow, Is that okay?

Alessandro: Sure

Luca: But what If they notice us from the mafia?

Amelia: Oh shit I forgot

Alessandro: You didn't tell them that you know about the mafia?

Amelia: No, But I guess they will find out

Elijah: Yo, Can I come?

Amelia: Sure I'll see you all tomorrow big heads😐

Elijah: My head is not big

Amelia: Yeah sure Elijah, Whatever you say

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