Judgment Vs Vengeance And Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): nice chains but mine are better

After say that (Y/n) drops the chains then conjures her own chain and wraps it around her hand

Judgement: why is the Rider in Hell

(Y/n): work related business but since you attacked me, I have every right to subdue and/or seduce you and no I didn't stutter

Judgement didn't know what to say and get the chance to as (Y/n) spear tackles Judgement into the ground then slugs Judgement across the face knocking her out

(Y/n): done and done bring on the next

Lucifer: Charlie stay with Justice ok?

Charlie: o-ok

With Charlie agreeing to stay with Justice, Lucifer makes her way over to (Y/n) who is reverting back to her human self and the unconscious Judgement

Lucifer: you didn't have to knock her out

(Y/n): would you want her dead or knocked out Lucy

Lucifer: alive but I still don't know why she attacked you though you're the Rider after all

(Y/n): we can ask her when she wakes up and I poured a good amount of power into the gates so we should be able to open them

Lucifer: fine, just make sure she isn't dead

<time skip 15 mins brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) helping Chibi Charlie with her pyrokinesis>

After about 15 minutes past and Judgement is regaining conscience so she try to move an arm to head but finds herself unable to move

(Y/n): I wouldn't try to struggle since you'll most likely burn yourself and it'll tighten up if it feels any resistance

Judgement: what do you want?

(Y/n): well I'm just figuring out why you attacked me that's all

Judgement: I thought you were a trespasser, so I attacked you in hopes of bringing you to the Sin Machine

(Y/n): you now realize that wouldn't have worked right since I'm technically still a soulless husk

Zarathos: that's a lie and you know it

(Y/n): and she doesn't need to know that now does she. Now how would you like to join me in the Mortal Realm

Judgement: what?

(Y/n): you heard me right, so what do you say?

Judgement: and what do I get out of this?

(Y/n): well you could bring Judgement Day to the sinners of the Mortal Realm

Judgement:*Judgement gives (Y/n) a blank look* really that's it

(Y/n): and I want you to join my harem as well

Judgement: fine I'll join your harem but once you get your soul back, your Judgement Day will happen

(Y/n): that's fine, now get comfortable

Judgement: wait what do you mean by tha- *(Y/n) hoists Judgement into her shoulder* HEY PUT ME DOWN!!!

(Y/n): now let's get going


(Y/n): hahahahaha

<location (Y/n)'s house-time skip 3 hrs 30 mins brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) teaching Chibi Judgement CQC>

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