Rumlow's eyes widened in surprise, and his entire body was drawn in towards Lucifer like a moth to a flame. " want to lead Hydra?"

The incredulous nature of the question had a smirk ghosting across Lucifer's lips. "After Amara is dead, I have plans, boys. Big, big plans. I don't plan on renting out this meatsuit for very long, and there are other chess pieces in play that I aim to manipulate. Say...the leader of the free world, for example?"

That had the STRIKE team members gaping at him in shock.

"You can possess the President of the United States?"

"I can possess anyone," Lucifer snapped. "As long as they give me permission, I am still an angel. But manipulation is my game, boys. They all say yes eventually." He shifted his weight so that his chin rested atop his fist. "Although the Winchester boys are surprisingly resilient to my manipulations. They've been a pain in my ass."

Rumlow cleared his throat and seemed to steel himself for what he had to say next. "And what do you want from us? Somehow I can't imagine that you would offer to infiltrate a place like the White House without something in return."

Lucifer popped an impressed brow. "Kid's smarter than he looks, boys." He pushed up to his feet and waited for the others to do the same. "Very well. I'll join your merry band of evildoers, and even slide into my place as the new figurehead, as long as you kill Dean Winchester before the day is over."

"What?" Rumlow's expression pinched. "Why do you want Winchester dead?"

Lucifer's responding grin was manic as he imagined everything Dean could achieve once he reached his true potential. The last remaining Knight of Hell living on the surface? The possibilities practically had him salivating. Hydra was only a small piece of the puzzle. Lucifer could conquer the world in a matter of years with his guard dog at his side to fight any and all battles for him. But first...

He offered his hand. "Does it really matter? Now, do we have a deal?"

After a moment of hesitation - "We have a deal."



Sam's heart leapt into his throat as the light died out from his brother's eyes.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

He's been forced to watch Dean die thousands of times in the past, the endless string of Tuesdays, the hellhound, and even Metatron, and it never once got any easier. It always felt like his entire world shuddered to a halt, much like it did when Chuck - God, burst into the church and stopped time right before their very eyes. He shoved off from the wall and scrambled towards Castiel, who was cradling Dean's head in his lap and pleading for Dean to wake up. Sam only had a passing flash of relief that his best friend was alive before the knife surged out of Dean's chest, and now all he felt was panic.

He crashed to the ground beside his brother and put two shaking fingers towards Dean's throat to check for a pulse, choking on a sob when he couldn't find one.

"I'm too weak," Cas mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I wasn't strong enough to heal him."

A familiar cry of fury and a flurry of movement brought Sam's attention snapping towards the steps of the altar, where Bucky had tackled Rumlow - that son of a bitch - to the ground and had his metal hand wrapped around his throat.

"No!" Cas growled, his voice deeper and more gravely than when Lucifer was possessing him.

Bucky looked back over his shoulder with disbelieving eyes. "No?" He asked incredulously.

Lambs for Slaughter Part 2Where stories live. Discover now