Chapter 15

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A pleasant breeze caressed Dean's face as he became aware of himself again. His limbs felt heavy against the cool ground, and he opened his eyes to find himself in a large field with vibrant green grass surrounding him, stretching out in every direction. Dusk fell over the horizon, darkness chasing out the light of the day.

Dean felt a presence beside him, and turned his head to find Amara laying just a few inches away, her dark eyes watching him steadily. She reached out to intertwine their fingers together, sending a jolt of white-hot fire deep within his belly. Dean's first instinct was to fall into her, his goddess, to surrender everything he was and close the distance between them.

But he resisted.

With everything he was, Dean resisted.

A pinch formed between her brow, but she didn't comment on his internal struggle. Instead, Amara asked, "Where is my brother, Dean?"

"I don't know," he told her honestly, bringing his gaze back up towards the darkening sky, away from her. "I didn't even think he was real until you showed up. He's been gone for a long time."

Amara sighed, squeezing Dean's fingers in her grip. If he was able, Dean would have snatched his hands away and stormed off the moment he realized where he was, but yet again, he wasn't in control. He was never in control with Amara.

"He can't hide forever."

Dean swallowed thickly. "What are you going to do when you find him?"

Her eyes narrowed as she pushed herself up onto her elbow, closing the distance between them slowly, carefully, methodically. He was helpless to do anything but watch as the shadows shifted relentlessly around them, pinning him down.

"I'm going to use the very monsters he's forsaken to tear apart his beloved ones." There was an undercurrent of deep, unmistakable fury beneath her icy calm exterior. "And then I'm going to ask him why."

Dean's throat clicked, alarms sounding in his head but unable to fight back against the rising panic.

"I want to know why he chose to betray me, to lock me away while the salt of the Earth roams free without consequence. I want to know how he could have done this to me!" Amara's steady voice had risen to a scream by the end of her rant, and Dean desperately wished he could flinch back, but the shadows held him securely in place.

Before he could let out a shout of protest, she pressed their foreheads together, her skin burning against his. "And then I'll take you away from here. I'll destroy him and this world he loves so much. We'll rebuild, you and me - together."

And then Amara pressed her lips against his.


"Sir, Captain Rogers!"

Steve shot up in bed, the silk sheets pooling against his lap while Tony grumbled and flailed beside him with wild hair. "What is it, J?"

"Mr. Winchester is in severe distress. My attempts at waking him have been unsuccessful thus far."

"Shit," Tony cursed under his breath, grabbing his sweats from the floor and pulling them up hastily as Steve did the same. "Which brother, J? And is it a nightmare?"

"Dean, Sir. And I believe so," JARVIS confirmed, then seemed to hesitate as Steve and Tony headed for the elevator. "Although his screams indicate a great deal of pain as well, I cannot locate the source."

It was Steve's turn to swear. "Call Bruce please, JARVIS, wake him up and tell him to meet us there."

"Might as well call his brother too. We might need some help to calm him down," Tony suggested. When the elevator doors opened, lights along the floorboards led them to the second room on the right.

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