13. Drama drama

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You, Thor and Loki are gathered around the kitchen table.

"You are not going to kill Steve Rogers." says Thor stern.

Loki rolls his eyes. "Come on, aren't you annoyed by his behavior."

He mimics Steve. This time you don't laugh, which causes a confused look from Loki.

"You're not telling me you're really back together with that weakling?" he asks you almost mad.

"I was just trying to provoke you. He didn't try to kiss me again."

"Again?" asks Thor confused. You ignore his question.

"Yes, I had some problems with Steve. But that's in the past now. I'm not going to let you kill him."

"I think you would do anything for me, darling." he teases. But you don't find it funny.

"You still think it's a fucking joke huh? Honestly, fuck you Loki. I risked my life and you came out of it without a scratch." You take a good look at the God sitting in front of you. All this hurt, all the things you sacrificed and he doesn't give a shit. You're done. "I wish you fucking died in that explosion." you say harsh, leaving the table.

"Y/n.." Thor says. You know that might have gone too far, but it's not like Loki would give a shit. You can't hurt him the way he hurt you, because he doesn't care about you.

You go back to your room. Not much later you hear a knock on your door.

"Go away, Thor. I don't want to talk."

He knocks again.

"Fuck off."

But the knocking doesn't stop. You walk up to the door, ready to send Thor away. But when you open the door you feel lips being pushed against yours, you want to push the person away, but he's holding your face. You recognize Loki's scent, but that doesn't make it right. You push away harder, with succes.

"No. You don't get to do that. I'm done being your toy or whatever. The fun is over. Fuck off Loki."

"Y/n, look at me." he says. You keep your head turned to the side. "I said look at me." his voice in dominant and somehow you give in.

You look him in the eyes.

"I didn't get away without a scratch." His face alters and scars all over it appear. You step back a little, shocked by the sight.

"I am truly sorry, darling. It didn't go as planned, as you can see. I came looking for you, but by the time I got back, you were already gone. I came to learn that my brother had taken you with him. So I continued my search from our mission. Tried to get my hands on a device that could bring me to The Collector and eventually Asgard. But when I got to our secret little store, well I got distracted and plans change. I thought I'd pay Cap a visit."

"What are you saying? I shouldn't be mad because you got hurt by your own doing and you thought about visiting me but killing an old friend of mine was more important? I feel much better now." you say sarcastically.

Loki chuckles. "I don't expect you to accept that explanation. I know you. And I know that portraying it better than it in reality is, doesn't get me any further with you. So as I told you, this is how it went and what I did."

"Great. Can you leave now?"

He chuckles again. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"No, you won't. I mean leave leave. You threatened to kill Cap, you don't think we will let you stay here."

"So you'll let me escape again?" he says with a smile.

"I just don't care Loki. Do whatever you want, just leave Steve alone, leave me alone and leave this building." You push him out of your room and slam the door shut. You lay down on your bed and close your eyes.

"She is right, you know." Loki hears a voice speak to him. He turns around to see Captain America with his arms crossed.

"You should leave her alone. However, I can't let you leave. You're a danger to everyone on this planet. I will make sure Thor takes you to Asgard and puts you back in that cell of yours."

Loki pinches his nose bridge. "You know I was truly planning on not doing this, you know, for the girl. But you just have to be so aggravating." In a swift move Loki punches Steve in the face. Before he can fall down, Loki grabs him by his collar and lifts him up. Steve struggles to fight back.

Just in time Thor shows up. "Damn it Loki." he says disappointed. He grabs his hammer and attacks Loki. The three of them fight. They're so caught up in their battle that they don't notice you standing in the doorway.

You sigh as you watch them. You don't have the energy for any of this bullshit. So you just stand and watch. Done with whatever drama is going on. Weren't girls supposed to cause drama?

After they're getting bruised and bloody, you decide that enough is enough. So you clear your throat. When they don't look up you throw a knife that goes just past Thor's face. They all freeze and turn their head around.

"I'm tired. My head hurts from all the crying. And my body is sore from fighting. Quit it and go to fucking bed." with that you close the door and disappear into your room.

It stays quiet in the hallway and you can close your eyes peacefully when you hear three doors open and close.

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