6. Clubbing

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When you got back from the mall you took a shower. Now you're standing in the bathroom doing you're make up and hair. You don't know why, but suddenly you feel like dressing up.

You're not wearing heavy make up, but you cleaned up nice. Your hair looks really soft and has a certain shine. You feel really good about yourself.

You put on some jewelry you bought. You realize that you might have to flirt a little, will he spill the tea. His name is Clinton Jeffers. You have no idea how easily he is to approach. Also Thor can be a little intimidating. Or maybe it might be Thor's turn to flirt.

You knock on the shared door. "Hey pretty boy, you ready yet?" you yell through the door.

"Coming, coming" he replies from the other room.

He opens the door and you both check each other out.

"Nice" you say simultaneously. Which makes both of you laugh.

"I called a cab, it's waiting down stairs. So shall we go?" You feel yourself getting a little nervous. It feels like ages ago since you've done a mission.

Thor acts like a gentleman and sticks out his arm, you hook in and walk downstairs.


You look around the place, it's amazing, fancy even. A lot of rich people. It's not a quiet gathering though, more the type of rich party where they snore coke in bathroom.

The music is loud and the lights are bright and colorful. You look up at Thor. He doesn't really seem to get this scene.

"Just act smug and arrogant, shouldn't be much of a problem for you" you joke. You pull him over to the bar. "And always have a drink in your hand."

The bartender pours a drink for the both of you. It also has been a while since you got drunk or even tipsy.

Thor wants to take a sip of his drink. But you stop him. "These are partially for show, use them as a prop."

You put up two fingers at the bartender. He pours you two shots. "These are to get us in the right mood."

You pick up your little glass and Thor does the same. You clink glasses and take the shot. You aren't able to keep a straight face.

"Well that was gross" says Thor.

You nod. "Now mingle and find Clinton or one of his associates." You were lucky that the file contained some pictures of people who are close to him. This makes the chance bigger of finding him.

You both enter the dance floor and of course Thor already has some girls dancing around him. You roll your eyes at him and he responds by shrugging.

Their pictures are printed in your mind, but you haven't seen any of them. When you go for a bathroom break you encounter one of his girls.

You're washing your hands and glance over at her.

"Those earrings are so pretty" you try to start a conversation.

"Ahh thanks hon, I love your look." she says back sweet.

You don't know what to say next and you panic a little. "Can I buy you a drink?" are the next words that come out of your mouth. Not really the right move as you might have to seduce Clinton a little in the future.

The girl chuckles nicely "That's sweet hon, but I don't really do that. I have nothing against it though, but I stick with the boys."

You feel your cheeks burn and don't know what to do now.

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