9. Reconciliation

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You've finished your tea and Steve is still pacing through the room.

He stops and looks you right in the eyes.

"He doesn't have it" states Steve.

"Doesn't have what?"

"We went through all the files you stole and in one of them was mentioned that they brought it to some sort of collector, in outer space."

Now the pieces are falling together. He is still searching for it, that's why he wants something to travel through the universe.

"I'm assembling the avengers" says Steve.

You jump up and stop his hand from picking up the phone.

"No, you promised" you look him in the eyes, begging.

He sighs and lowers his arm.

"I want to trust you, I do, but.."

"You don't have to. Just trust Thor, he has locked Loki up before and he can do it again. Cap please, maybe I'm out of favors, but I'm begging you." You know this is his soft spot, when you beg, but you mean it.

You both don't break eye contact. You're nervous for his answer, but wait patiently. Then he starts to lean forward. And before you know it you feel his lips touching yours, with a soft movement you push him back. He has never been good in picking the right moment to kiss someone.

"Steve, I.."

He steps back and looks at the ground. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done it."

God this is awkward. What are you supposed to say?

"I know it doesn't make any sense to you, but I care about Loki, I really do."

Rogers steps forward again and grabs your hands.

"But what if he doesn't care about you? I feel anxious for your safety when you're with him."

"He might not care for me, like I do for him. But that doesn't matter to me. What I know for sure, is that there is no need to be worried about my safety, he isn't going to hurt me." physically, you finish your sentence in your head. All this shit he has put you through, the pain of losing him.. finding out he's alive..

Steve shakes his head. You feel sorry for him, you can't explain why you feel the way you feel and how you know the things you know. You just do.

"I'll let the avengers in on the truth about that day, but I won't tell them about Loki. Not until you let me know it's okay to do so."

You pull him closer towards you and give him a hug.

"Thank you" you whisper while you're still hugging.

You want to let go, but Steve clearly doesn't. You give him one tight squeeze and pull back.

Steve leaves the room. You're not sure what to do and why he left. So you just wait.

He comes back with a little leather case in his hands.

"You should have these back" he hands you your knives.

Maybe it is the knowledge that Loki is alive. Or the fact that both you and Steve know you're almost never going to see each other in the future. But the bad blood between you seems to have disappeared. All that's left is a sentimental feeling.

"If we see anything suspicious on our radar, I'll let you know. And I know you hate it when I say this, but be careful." Steve pulls you in one more time for a hug.

"Keep being a hero while I'm gone, okay? And please learn from your mistakes" you say as joke.

Steve chuckles and lets go of you.

"I will miss that big mouth of yours."

"Enjoy the peace" You wink.

You leave with a content feeling. You hadn't realized it, but this whole situation with the avengers, especially Steve, troubled you more than you thought. You finally feel a little bit happier again.

"Damn it Y/n" says a low voice.

Thor is standing in front of you as you walk out of the building.

"I searched the whole city, why the hell did you run away?"

"I'm so sorry Thor. About our whole argument, the things I said. But I finally know where Loki is heading. And I told Steve the truth. Please don't be mad anymore." You realize how much of a bitch this whole journey has made you.

"No worries little woman, friends fight. So please, tell me everything about Loki's whereabouts."

As you walk back to the hotel, you fill Thor in.

"Not 'a' collector, but the collector. Or at least that is what most people call him. He collects rare items all over the universe and keeps it stored in his residence." explains Thor.

"And if Loki wants to get there, where would he go? Or how would he do it?" you ask, not sure if Thor knows the answer.

"There are many ways to travel through the universe, many I don't know of. The few I know, are ruled out."

"So now we have to decide, if we go to the collector or keep searching for Loki on earth." you determine.

"Earth is big, the collector lives in one place. I say we pay that guy a visit." states Thor.

"Yeah sure, traveling to Asgard was getting a bit boring anyway, let's go to the third planet I will visit. What do I get when I reach the ten?"

"Then Heimdall will let you operate the Bifrost for one whole day."

"Deal" you say and you shake Thor's hand.

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