(MS)A Portal near grian

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Grian's POv: 

I was restocking the barge (Yes this takes place in season 7 sorry I didn't tell you that) 

And was done and i checked the chat incase i missed any meetings or important News 

GTWscar: Hey Grian restocked the barge yet? I need sand

Grian is typing... (IDK HOW THIS WORKS DONT JUDGE) 

Yep just restocked it 

GTWscar: Okay on my way 

Okay now that im done time to head back to base 

Time skip brought to you by my homework 📚 📄 

I landed gracefully Like i always do in my base 

A few minutes later

Alright i traded with my villagers Restocked the barge build the back of the mansion and-

Huh a nether portal? What is it doing there- Is it a prank? Mehhhhh but Its only scar and xisuma online and me huh Mehh i dont wanna think to much so lets Go in

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