Last Words of a Shooting Star

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After you were healed and picked up by the rest of the gang, you were vooming down the twists and turns of the submerged city, or as Mr. Ice liked to say it: Venezia. After the mix up incident, you were practically locked up in the tortoise with Bucciarati looking up at you to make sure you were still there. But like, it wasn't your fault that you were forgotten. It was theirs.

Mista had been looking at Giorno weirdly ever since he took your hand and called you 'principessa'. Probably trying to figure out what your relationship was with him.

"How much longer till we get there?" Bucciarati asked. "We're almost at Rialto bridge" Fugo replied "It'll at least be another five minutes."

"All right. Keep going."

"Bucciarati, what was the mission from the Boss?" Giorno asked.

"I'm reconfirming the mission from the Boss right now. I'll read it out loud. "The information on this disc was inputted the moment all of you boarded the train to Naples. Therefore, I'd like to warn you that I have no way of knowing how many more are after you, or how many members you've lost at this point in time. The information on this disc is the safest way for me to meet my daughters, and also your final mission. Let me also warn that, should you deviate in the slightest from the instructions on this disc, it will be unforgivable. If any of you do anything other than what's instructed of you, even if it's accidental, I will consider it a warning that you mean to harm me. Here is your final mission." He said.

"You will now head to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. The place you will take my daughters, is the top of the great bell tower of the church there. Once you take my daughters there, your mission will be over." He continued. Wow you thought are we really the disposable like that? "Instruction one: there are no stairs to the top of the tower. Currently, there is only one elevator that goes to the top. The only ones allowed in the elevator are Trish, Y/n and one bodyguard." Hopefully that can be Giorno.

"Instruction two:" Bucciarati continued, "the bodyguard is prohibited from carrying any knives, guns, cell phones, or anything else. Instruction three: you must land on the island within fifteen minutes of retrieving this disc. There is a tracking device in the disc, so I know where you are. Instruction four: the rest of you will wait on the boat. You are not allowed on the island." That's it."

"Bucciarati, we have arrived." Giorno said finally.

Pink in the Night~ Giorno Giovanna x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora