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My eyes shot open and I took a big gasp of air. I breathed deeply as my heart beated wildly within my ribcage.

I darted my eyes around, trying to find out where I was. Only after I had calmed down had I realized it was just a dream and I discovered that I was back in reality.

I was lying on the hard wooden floor of my new home. I took steady easy breaths as I looked to my right and saw my bed. I guess I fell out of bed during my nightmare and that's what woke me up.

My bed was really messy. Most likely from tossing and turning. Which I did most of the time. I looked back down at myself and saw I was wrapped tightly in a fuzzy, large blue blanket. I sighed and looked outside my nearby window beyond my bed.

It was still pretty dark outside. But I was able to see the dark figures of the tree's right outside. Maybe I could still have time to get some more sleep! I quickly looked at my clock, almost smiling. But my heart dropped when I saw that it was time for me to get up anyway.

And the alarm would be ringing in. 3......2......1...

The alarm blared with the most irritating noise you could imagine. I growled and I untangled myself from the blankets and I pushed myself off of the floor. I faced the alarm and I lightly pressed the button. I went to walk away but then the alarm began to blare again. I stomped towards it and I unplugged it and set it down on my nightstand.

Why did my alarm hate me so?

I arched my back a bit, trying to get that morning Cink out of my back. Once I heard a faint crack I relaxed and let out a sigh. I turned around and scanned my room. My entire room was empty except for a large closet, a bed and a nightstand with a now sleeping alarm clock on it. Throughout the entire room you could see wooden planks. Wooden plank flooring, wooden walls, ect.

I kicked the blanket with my feet out of the way and I slugged out the door.

I made my way into a long hallway. It was still really dark. But I didn't mind. I could see. I slumped my way to the nearest door on my left. I walked through the open doorway and into the bathroom. I stretched once again and then I looked myself in the mirror.

I had really short black hair with tinted neon green in the ends of my bangs. If anyone were to walk up behind me they surely would have mistaken me for a guy.

I also had brown eyes that seemed to have tinted navy green in them. And I had a black ring around my eye. Lots of people had it but this was really noticeable.

I really liked the way I looked. My parents and friends always said I was beautiful.

The main thing I didn't like about my looks was my skin. I was so pale. It didn't even seem possible! No matter how much sun I got, I would just get paler. I didn't let it bother me too much though.

I picked up my toothbrush and I grabbed some toothpaste with my opposite hand. I flipped open the lid with my thumb and I squirted the paste that I just loved to hate, onto my toothbrush. I put the tube down and I put my toothbrush in my mouth and turned it on.

I hated this. The vibrations from the tooth brush tickled my gums so much it hurt. And then I would gag every time some toothpaste would get onto my tongue. And on top of that. Whenever the toothpaste got on my tongue it Burned like acid! The flavorless white paste burned my tongue! I quickly brushed my teeth. I just wanted to get this over and done with!

When I was done I looked around for a glass of water.

Which of course I didn't have. I growled mentally and then I quickly ran into the hall and into the nearby kitchen. This room was different from the others. The floor was black with white checkered patterns and the wall was just white. Almost as white as my face. ZING! Ah, I don't know. It's too early to be making jokes like that.

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