So here I am, in a new town, in a new school, where I'm quickly going to become known at the quite depressed kid, who would probably get teased and bullied. I didn't care though, people could think what they liked, they didn't know me, or knew what I'd been through. They couldn't judge what they didn't know, so I didn't care if they talked, or hated on me. The only thing I cared about was getting myself back home after school and being close to my mom again. Or, well, her grave anyway.

"Have a good day dear, and try and make some friends okay?" My nana smiled sweetly.
"Yeah." I sighed, I really didn't want to get out this car and go in there. It looked like my own personal hell.
"You'll be fine, now, go on before you're late." She kissed my cheek, I said goodbye and climbed out the car and started making my way towards the reception.

"Can I help?" A middle aged woman smiled up at me from the desk.
"Uh, I'm new here." I shuffled awkwardly.
"A-Alan Ashby."
She pressed button's on the computer before smiling. "There you are, let me just get your schedule for you and your buddy."
"Buddy?" I looked confused.
"Yes, someone who will be showing you around for your first couple of weeks until you're comfortable. His names Shayley, he's a lovely lad."
"Oh, okay." Great, first day and I'm going to have some dude, I didn't, and would never care about following me around and trying to be nice.

Minutes later she appeared with a small pile of paper and another boy. He was a little taller then me, about five foot eleven, while I stood at five foot nine with long floppy brown hair and tired blue eyes. He was more filled out then me too, not in a, he was fat, way, he just looked like he had a bit more muscle, I was pretty much skin and bone these days.
"You must be Alan?" He gave me a small smile.
"Uh, yeah, that's me." I nodded, trying to muster up a small smile back, I didn't want to seem rude.
"I'm Shayley, but you can call me Shay if you like."
"Cool, I'm uh, just Alan, don't call me Al, I hate it."
"Got it." He gave a quick, simple nod of understanding. "So, uh, your first class is English with Mr Mullins, I'm in that class too, so, uh, I guess I'll show you where your locker is and we can head off?"
"Uh, sure." I gave a small nod.
"Okay. well, here's your class schedule, we run on a two week schedule so there's week one, and then week two. It's currently week one, obviously, as it's the first week at school. Your locker is number 102 in the East hallway, I believe that's just a few down from you Shayley?" She looked at him questioningly and he nodded to confirm. "The other papers are for school clubs that run either during lunch or after school, as you're new here, try and go along to at least one, they're great for making friends. There's also general information you'll need too. If there's anything you need at all, just ask Shayley, or come here and speak to me." She smiled at me and handed me the small stack of papers. "I believe that's everything, I hope you like it here at Ocean View."
"Uh, sure, thanks."
"Come on, I'll show you to your locker." Shayley gave a small crooked smile and started walking off, leaving me to follow after him. This was going to be hell.

Austin's POV

Great, another school year...I hated school, what was the point of it? What has school ever taught me, after teaching me to read and write...nothing. Well, okay, not nothing, but nothing important, nothing I'm going to use later on in life anyway. The only lesson's I liked where art and music, they where the only two subject's I cared about. I didn't need to know the answer to X=Y, I didn't need to know what happened when you took a liquid and added this chemical and that chemical. I didn't need to know why the first line of Hamlet was so important. I didn't need to know about things that happened god knows how many years ago. All I needed to know was art and music, that's all I'd ever need.

Another thing about school...aside the useless lessons and the teachers I couldn't stand for more then a second...was the students. I had my group of friends...Vic, Ronnie and Danny, actually I had more, I was popular, but those where the three I stuck with the most. I guess you could like call them my posse or something, we where always together. Why did I hate the students so much? Well, because they sucked, other people sucked. They either tried to suck up to me and my group because we where rich, popular and well, down right awesome, and they didn't want to get beatings. Or they where just nerdy dorks, or quite depressed emo kids who where scared of us. Rightly too.

Yes I was one of the school's biggest bullies, Ronnie being the first, he was like the 'gang leader' of us. No one messed with him because his father was one of the best lawyers in our state, so everyone knew not to mess with him. I had to admit, he was a spoiled rich kid, who clearly had some daddy issues, because daddy was always working and never there growing up, but I wouldn't voice that opinion, I didn't fancy ending up in ICU. I wasn't always a bully, but after I was bullied bad in middle school, I refused to start high school the same way, it was awful for me. So, I got in with the right people, made the right friends and did what I had to do and now, it was just a part of me. O didn't like it, but I didn't hate it, it just became who I was I guessed. It was also a way of me getting out my anger, I was a pretty angry person, because well, my home life sucked. My mom was ill, she got pretty ill last year, she suffered from something called Marfan's Syndrome and over the years got sicker and sicker. I loved my mom and the thought of loosing her terrified me. It put a lot of stress on me, and my father. I didn't want to loose her, but I knew I was going to soon, and on top of terrifying me to hell, it made me angry. My mom didn't deserve it, she was a good person, and now she was suffering and soon I wouldn't be able to say I had a mom. Just thinking about it made me angry. And since mom got sick, things with my dad had been tense, he was doing his best, and he still made sure he knew he loved me and he'd always be there. But he, like me was so stressed, scared, angry and hurt about the fact we where going to loose my mom soon, it got pretty rough. We'd argue a lot, we could go a good two days without speaking. We lashed out at each other when mom wasn't there, or listening, because we had no one else to support us. My friends kind of did, but not much, they weren't like true friends who'd drop everything to hear your worries, they could be kind of selfish, especially Ronnie and Danny. Vic was okay though, he, out of the three was the one there for me the most, but still, since he got his boyfriend, he's been there less, leaving me feeling abandoned by everyone I cared for. So yeah, I was pretty angry right now and yeah I guess it was wrong, but sadly it's who I was, people fell victim to my anger, but I didn't care. I cared for no one, I didn't even really care about my friends much. Everyone I cared about left me, bullied me or died, so I stopped caring, it was easier that way.

"Oh look, new kid!" Ronnie pointed to a small ginger boy looking frankly lost and a little scared. "Fresh meat for us to feast on, and looks like he's been paired up with Shayley...perfect!"
I smirked. "Yeah he looks like one of those sad, depressed emo kids, I wonder how many scars he has. See if he has more or less then Shayley." I chuckled. "Come on, it's California, it's summer, wearing a hoodie makes it a bit obvious."
"Oh yeah." Danny nodded. "He must be our year if he's been buddied with Gayley."
"Perfect, get our ammo and let the games begin." Vic smirked.
"I wonder if he's gay..." Ronnie pondered.
"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No reason, maybe we could have some fun with him if he was. After all, you and Vic are gay, so we could really screw with him if he was."
"Woah, hey, I got Kellin, everyone know's we're together so, count me out, it's on Austin if we're gonna do anything like that." Vic spoke defensively.
"Whatever." I shrugged. "I think it would be fun to screw with him, he seems that type that would be fun to screw with."
"Well, looks like we have our first mission of the year boys...get the ginger and make him regret coming to this school." Ronnie grinned wickedly and we headed off to our first class.

A/N: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! New cashby! I loved writing my first Cashby so much, I decided to do another and make it even better! So, I hope you enjoy, the updates, for now, will be once a week, until Jalex is finished, but after that it'll be two updates a week, along side my Kellic (which I'd really love for you to go check out if you haven't).
Anyway, let me know what you think of the first Chapter? :)
Princess Faithpunzell

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