Imagine: Your life with Kili

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You were happier than ever. It was hard to imagine what your life once was. Your family died, and you had been depressed for many years. But then you met the company and went on the journey with them. Things immediately started looking up for you. Sure you were in life threatening situations the entire time, but you had gotten happier. You started to feel less lonely and sad. Especially once you had developed feelings for Kili. He was so happy and playful all the time. It started to rub off on you. You two fell in love and admitted it to eachother in Lake Town when Kili was sick. You two have been together ever since. You got married 6 months after you reclaimed Erebor. And that brought you to where you are now. It was years later and you have two beautiful little girls. Your oldest is 3 years old, Aimira. And your newest addition to the family, Girina, is 6 months old. You and Kili were happier than ever. You were lost in thought as you stood in your and Kili's chambers balcony. You were holding Girina and rocking her back and forth. You feel Kili's arms come around you and he leans his head into your shoulder.
"Is she asleep" Kili whispers.
"Nope" You sigh as Girina starts to cry.
"Here I'll take her, you take a break" Kili says as he gently takes Girina from your arms and starts talking to her and rocking her back and forth. You sat down and smiled at the sight in front of you. Kili was an amazing dad. He spoiled those girls so much. Practically anything Aimira asks for Kili makes sure she has, or if she wants to play he always volunteers. It was so cute watching him with them. You watch as he talks to Girina in his high pitched baby voice. He smiled wide at her and makes her giggle. She wraps her little hand around one of his fingers. Kili just stares down at her. His rocking slowly puts her to sleep. You walk over to him and stand by his side. He shifts Girina over to one arm and wraps his other arm around you.
"How are you today Amralime?" He asks as he kisses your temple and brings you closer into his side.
"Tiring. Girina just wouldn't go to sleep. She was really fussy today"
"Sorry to hear that darling. Don't mean to brag here but I spent all day at a lovely tea party. Hosted by none other than Aimira." You giggle as you lean your head on his chest.
"And how was that?"
"Oh it was great. She even roped in Fili. Thorin stopped by for one cup of tea, after Aimira instead, before he had to go. I'm sure Filis still in there with her." You both laugh when you hear steps coming your way. You turn around and see that it's Aimira. You hold up your finger to your mouth to show her the baby's sleeping and she nods in understanding. She walks over to you and you pick her up. You turn back around to stand with Kili again and he smile at both of you. Aimira smiles and waves at him.
"Hey princess" Kili whispers to her.
Aimira smiles and yawns.
"I see that tea party daddy was telling me about wore you out."
"Ya after daddy left me and uncle Fili played tag. I won." you laugh as that sight pops in your head and you make a mental note to tease him about that later. Aimira yawns and you lower her to where your cradling her so she can rest her head on your chest. You rock her and she falls asleep easily.
"I guess she really was worn out" you whisper as she's already out cold.
"I told you, we had a tea party all day, very tiring work" Kili jokes and kisses the top of your head.
"I love you"
"I love you more darling"
You took in this scene and tried to take a mental picture of it all. The beautiful city of Erebor, but most importantly your family. Everything was so perfect. You didn't know how you got so lucky but you just wanted to appreciate it as much as you could. You were happier than you ever thought possible.

Hope you liked it! It was kind of short but this was like cuteness overload for me imagining this so I thought I would write it down and share it with you guys. Also sorry if you don't like the names, I just looked up dwarf names and choose the cutest/easiest to pronounce.

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