18. End Of The World

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Peggy eventually made an appearance and as soon as she stepped through the door, I knew something was wrong. She looked like a nervous wreck.

What made it even more worrying was that she didn't even look at me. It was like she physically couldn't. She put her stuff down and stood at the front of the class.

"I need to talk to you all about something." Oh god, here we go.

She finally looked at me, only for a split second. The guilt on her face told me everything I needed to know.

"I'm leaving."

"In December."

Did I just hear that correctly?

Did she just say she's leaving?

I must be hearing things.

She can't be...


But what about everything that's gone on between us?

Is she just gonna pretend it didn't happen?

Is this normal for her?

Does she mess around with people's heads for fun or something?

I just don't get it...

She can't just leave...

I felt my whole body get buried with despair, like Pompeii on volcano day.

My whole body stopped. I couldn't move. It's like a weight was holding me down.

Every sound muffled, every movement doubled, like I was trapped in a body of water.

I can't even bring myself to try and look at her. The anger I felt towards her is too much to even process right now.

Why couldn't she have told me this before?

She had every damn opportunity to tell me... but she didn't.

Why not?

Am I not worth it to her?

Am I not good enough that she can't even tell me that she's fucking leaving?

Nice one Pelessaria. Leave the one you've been stringing along, clearly just for a bit of fun.

Don't bother telling me, it clearly means absolutely nothing to you so why should you care how I feel about it?

Well, guess what Pegs?

You've finished playing games with me.




"Do not call me that," I growled, causing Pelessaria to flinch.

She knelt beside my desk, attempting to speak.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." She whispered.


"I tried, I just couldn't." She pleaded.

"Stop it." I hissed.

"Please Logi."

"I said, do not call me that," I growled again, staring her right in the eye.

Something suddenly changed. I'd switched it all off, every emotion, every feeling.

Every ounce of compassion I had inside me, perished in the fires burning in my head.

Everything off.

I didn't care anymore.

I looked away from her.


"I'm done with you." I said blank-faced, not bothering to look back.

She got up and walked over to her desk, sitting down in her chair with her head in her hands feeling sorry for herself.


I didn't even bother staying till the end of the lesson. I walked out about 15 minutes before the bell rang, heading straight to my locker. Of course, Peggy attempted to catch up with me. At least everyone gets to leave early now.

She can chase me all she wants, she'll get nothing from me. I'm done.

A/N hello, I try not to add too many of these but seeing as I'm here I'd like to thank fruityformilfs for the nickname Pegs, brilliant that is. Also thank you all for 500 reads, that's pretty awesome guys. I hope you like the story so far. Buckle your seat belts because shit's about to hit the fan. I hope you stick around to the end.

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