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chapter four; 412

GEORGE WATCHED in disbelief as Nesryn stuffed her mouth with chicken nuggets.

"So, what you're telling me is that you would like to pass away from eating an excessive amount of chicken nuggets?" He asked.

He knew this was no such thing to laugh at, but he couldn't help snickering a little.

Nesryn nodded her head, chewing her 50th nugget. "Exactly." She swallowed, "I saw a news paper that a Muggle was paralyzed from eating 413 nuggets. Therefore I will strive to accomplish what she could not."

George hesitantly put a hand on hers. "Maybe you should stop here before you get paralyzed."

She shoved him off.

"You insist on following me everywhere, now sit aside as I attempt to die. Only this time you won't be saving me."

That is what she said two hours before she started vomiting her progress.

George escorted her out of the kitchen where the elves slaved away and to her house entrance.

"How do you get in?"

Nesryn gagged. She would not be eating any chicken nuggets in a while. "I'll get in my self, go away."

He stepped back, letting go of her shoulders. She felt like the world was spinning and her stomach was ready to preform an exhibition on the insides of her stomach.

George laughed quietly.

"Just tell me the way to get in."

"It's a riddle. A different one every time. You wouldn't be able to understand it."

Nesryn clutched her stomach muttering the answer to the riddle that was asked. She stepped inside, but before she closed the portrait, she stared at George.

"Just because you got me here means nothing. I won't be nice to you."

He shrugged. "I wasn't expecting you to be." And with a small smile, he gave her a two fingered wave and turned away.

She closed the portrait and felt something crawl up her throat.

Nesryn ran to the bathroom, pulling her hair up and vomiting into the toilet.

Eating that much while knowing the possible consequences was not fun.

She wiped her mouth, wondering why she refused George's stomach pain relievers.

"'Cause he'll hound me later for some sort of payment." Nesryn reminded herself bitterly.

That's who the twins were. They didn't do something that nice without asking for something.

Beside, taking the pills meant giving up a part of her pride. Or maybe admitting that he is a friend. Or that he's really proving himself to be her hero.

But she didn't need a hero.

No. What she needed was to fall into eternal bliss and not have to worry about anything. Because if she was ever going to die, it would be by her own hands.

Nesryn shook herself out of the dark corners of her mind. She didn't want to go down that path again.

Instead, she stood and walked into her dorm. She took a moment to process what had happened and then she finally pulled out her journal. 

journal, do you ever feel like you are being given a second chance over and over and over again?that's how i feel. but most people are happy to get their second chance, while mine is unwanted.

today i tried death by chicken nuggets. a fast food, something muggles find appealing. i must say so myself, that it is not so bad. though it is a unappealing way to die. 

but alas, i am not dead. 

there was the boy who claims to be my hero that saved me from vomiting on myself. i have to admit, he has a kind heart. but it is focused on the wrong thing. 

i hope tomorrow is a more promising day. 

Nesryn shut the journal that was quickly becoming filled with too many words. She stared at the ceiling and although she was by herself, she felt an awkward silence filling the space around her. She closed her eyes and he appeared. 

His grin after she says something unironically funny. The face he makes when he's running from Filch. 

It annoyed her. She didn't need someone like him to waltz into her life and give her meaning to life. She wanted to go to sleep, it was past curfew after all. But she couldn't. Nesryn wanted the night's breeze brushing against her. She wanted to hear the castle creak and move.

Nesryn's eyes opened and she hopped up. Her stomach did flips and she felt like she was about to vomit for the fifth time that night, but she waited before she moved again. She opened the her dorm's door and snuck down the stairs. 

She creeped out of the portrait and out to the Owlery. While climbing the steps, she thought she was going to slip and fall to her death. Nesryn thought that maybe what she wrote in her journal was going to be the last entry. 

She plopped down on the ledge and looked out at the trees, that despite not being an actual moving and living thing, it seemed more lively than her. 

Nesryn breathed in even breaths, watching the small puff of breath turn into a visible cloud of air. It was still September, but like everything around her, the seasons were quickly changing to colder themes. 

She didn't have to turn to see who had followed her up the tower. She heard him mumbling to himself the entire time he creeped behind her. 

"I have nightmares, you know." He said, standing and looking at the stars that were littered across the sky like a beautiful mess. "About the day I met you. I wake up sweaty and gasping for air. Air that I sometimes dream that you will no longer breathe."

Nesryn had nothing to say to him. Nothing she could think of saying.

"I wake up with my hand outstretched, trying to hold on to something before you take the next step." He clutched his chest, bunching up the shirt into his closed fist. "You scare me." He said, barely above a whisper. "I never know if you're going to be there when I wake up, or if you're already gone by the time I'm going to bed." 

She hadn't known he had felt like that. Nesryn had never meant to hurt him. 

George finally looked down at her, "I can't save you in my dreams, so please. Please let me try to save you in real life."

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