[Prologue] Chapter I - Alone

Comenzar desde el principio

At least that was what the lady had told her. Soon after their talk, they were interrupted by the violent knocks on the door. And without explanation, the lady urged her and her sister into the secret room that they are in now.

Her hazy eyes turned away from the distressful scene and gazed down the dim lighted passage.

I cannot die. I have to protect my sister. She tried to reassure herself and quietly lead her younger stepsister towards the exit.

Just as they reached outside after traversing the narrow corridors, the face of a young man greeted the two.

"Young Miss, there you are! What took you so long?"


The young servant was Taeyeon's bodyguard. He picked up the two girls and left the place where they called home just a few hours ago.

The bodyguard's name was Joowon, and he checked up on Taeyeon, while another bodyguard named Joonwoo checked up on her sister, Joohyun. They were the best security guards, and friends, of the lady. They would risk anything to protect the young masters of the house.

Eventually, they approached an open field with a group of cars waiting for them in the distance.


As they approached the cars, there was a black BMW at the front, and several vehicles parked closely behind. The two servants got off the car to greet their employer, while Taeyeon stayed back inside the car with an unconscious Joohyun.

The employer's complexion was pale and had a more menacing look than the men Taeyeon saw at the house. If it was anyone else that had met him, they had probably mistake him as the bad guy.

"At last, you have made it," said the middle-aged man as he walked towards them.

"I need you to give me an explanation for this." The young servant Joowon spoke coldly, his voice was firm as anyone else that worked under their employer.

"Naturally, I will. Take them to my car." The man said as he gestured with his rather large hands toughened by a life time of work.

"We can't go back; they will be looking for her." Joowon warned.

"Do you take me for a fool?" The middle-aged man replied coldly, "I guarantee I will find a very safe place for her."

"She is the lady's flesh and blood, I promised to keep her safe."

"Do not tell me you have plans of taking the young miss somewhere else!"

Joowon had to bite his lip to prevent him from talking back against him. The middle-aged man knew the young servant would only listen to the young miss or the lady. No matter how high status or intimidating you look, he could not be given orders.

The man sighed, "All you can do is be a security guard, a bodyguard or hard labour? So why must you take her away?"

"I do not trust your master."

The middle-aged man furrowed his eyebrows and looked away for a moment. He felt disgusted by the servant's disobedience. The lady's trust in them surely got into their heads. Then he said, "A child needs family, money and school; can you provide that? From a mere security guard?" He mocked the young servant.

"Can you? After everything that happened to the lady, what if they find out about Taeyeon too?"

After many years of development, people within Celerity realized that the lady had more influence in the building than the CEO himself. Since it was a family company, many stakeholders were not happy about the state the company was in. The CEOs parents also held some resentment towards the lady due to her mystifying background.

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