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Bucky had been keeping track of the day's through a hole in the ceiling the building semler like death, John Walker's body sat in front of him, decaying. Bucky looked like he was dead, he was bloody and bruised, Pierce threw a punch at his cheek with a metal thick spiky brass knuckle ring. Bucky spit out blood. "You're not gonna get anything from me dead or alive." He scoffed.

"I can get whatever I want once you're dead." Pierce said.

Bucky shook his head. "Y/n will along with my kids, and you will never find them if you kill me. Once I'm dead, officially, they go far away from New York and there will be no trace of them, my money, territory, anything goes to them."

"Who will continue your business if you do that?" Peirce asked.

"One of my men." Bucky smirked.

Peirce's lips pierced."What happens when the money runs out for your family?"

"It wont I made sure my guy's will take care of them for a long time." He said Pierce pulled out a gun. "Do it, you'll just lose anyway." Bucky said with a smirk, Pierce shot him in the leg. Bucky bit out a fuck.

You were still in horrible pain, your stomach felt like it was cramping, Banner eventually came, the guy's were creating a plan to get Bucky back. "Mis. Y/l/n, you're having contractions, we've gotta take you to the hospital."

Your eyes went wide, Winnifred had been sitting with you and Brooklyn all morning. "Y/n you need to go." Winnifred said to you. "I will be there soon after with Brooklyn, and your maternity bag."

Bruce helped you into his car, then he drove to the hospital. Winnifred went up stairs grabbing your bag and knocked on the office door, all the voice's on the other side silenced, the door opened, George looked at his wife. "I need to talk to you." She said from across the room, George walked out. "Are you sure this place is where James is?"

"Verry why?" George asked.

"Y/n's having contractions, and I'm sure she want's James there at least." Winnifred told him. "After you get him, come to the hospital." She headed out to a car puting the bag in the trunk, and helped Brooklyn buckle up in her car seat.

Bucky taking blow after blow knowing that if he did get out of this he'd have to go to the hospital, Pierce took to cutting off limbs, starting with his left arm, he passed out from the pain.

He was back home with you and Brooklyn, the three of you watching a movie, his hand was resting on something round it was on the round curve of your pregnant stomach. He kissed the top of your head, you'd probably fall asleep halfway through.

Once at the hospital Bruce took you inside to the maternal wing of the hospital on a wheelchair, you got into a hospital gown, then you laid on a bed with a pillow under your head, Bruce hooked up a heart monitor, and other things.

The plan was that George and some men would go through the back, then Steve would go through the front with men; they drove past the building where Bucky should be, and pulled to a stop in front of the building next to it, George and the men he brought with him entered the back stethaly, the sight in front of him was bloody and gruesome. They all got lucky that it was Pierce alone.

The front door was busted open, the light of the moon piercing through the dark abandoned building. "You found us." Pierce smirked. "It's too bad that he's gonna die before you can do any-"

A bullet shot him right between his eyes. "God it reeks like someone died in-oh." Sam said as he put his gun back in his holster, he saw John's dead body.

"Don't just stand there get James to the hospital." George told them they picked up Bucky and took him out to one of the cars. George got in his car and called the cops. "Hello there was a shootout at 3574 Johnstown Road. I suggest getting there fast." Then he drove off and followed the car with Bucky. As soon as they pulled up Bucky was immediately rushed to surgery, the doctors and nurses just hoped that he would survive with the amount of blood loss.

You were exhausted, the baby still hadn't come and the contractions were painful as all hell. "Get some sleep, we'll start again in the morning, or if you feel that you need to start again sooner." And with that Bruce left.

"How the hell am I supposed to sleep?" You asked yourself.

You were up reading for hours, until the sun peeked into the room.Bruce came in. "I see the nurses listened to my suggestion. I'm thinking we've got to induce your labour." Bruce told you. "Yes it is normal that you can be in labor for longer, but inducing you might be what's best."

"Alright." You nodded, Bruce whent to get the tools to induce the labor, he came back in and you put your feet on stirrups, and Bruce started what he needed to. Your contractions hit you at full force.

Bucky laid in the hospital room, he woke up very drowsy. He looked around confused, a small head popped up. "Brooklyn?"

"Daddy, you're okay!" She smiled and hugged him, her face scrunched up in confusion, at why it didn't feel right.

"Where's mom?" He asked the four year old.

"In a different room, my brother is coming!" She started jumping with excitement.

Bucky's face fell, he grabbed the remote that could call a doctor or nurse, and the door opened. "What's wrong sir?"
"My fiancé, um sh-she's in labor, it's Y/n Y/l/n, I need to be there." He told the nurse.

"Sir you've gotta be on bed rest for a little while you lost a lot of blood and you've gotta stay in bed." The nurse told him.

"I have got to, go and be with her while she's in labor." He tells the nurse, he started to sit up, Brooklyn started walking out.

"Sir I've got to insist you stay in bed." The nurse said.

He glared at the nurse. "I wanna talk to the doctor, preferably Banner."

"If you get on the bed I'll go get Doctor Banner." The nurse sighed.

Bucky sat on the bed, and watched as the nurse left, soon after Doctor Banner came in. "Well you're lucky you and Y/n are my favorite patients, I'll take you to see her, but you've got to stay sitting, I don't want you to risk you passing out and hitting your head." Bruce led Bucky and Brooklyn through the hospital to the maternity wing.

He walked into your room where you were laying bed-sweat covering your forehead- asleep, he saw the plastic bassinet, and he saw the bundle, He picked up the baby and held him. "Hi J.J." His voice was so quiet, he sat in the chair.

Brooklyn walked up and looked at her brother. "Hello." She said to him.

Your eyes blinked open. "Bucky? Thank god, you're alright."

Bucky smiled at you. "I'm sorry I wasn't here in time to help you." He apologized.

You yawned. "It's alright it's not your fault, I'm just glad you're alright." You tell him/

"You wanna see him?" Bucky asked you he got out of the chair and Brooklyn followed him across the room, and sat on your bed at the foot, Bucky handed you J.J.

When both you and Bucky finally were released from the hospital, your small family headed back to what you called home, and life went back to what you call normal, late one night you woke up, Bucky not in his usual spot next to you, you checked on J.J. then went to Bucky's office. "What are you doin' up?" You asked as you walked in.

"I...no reason, just work." He told you.

"What are you thinking about? You usually don't even stumble on your words, you smooth talker." You wink at him.

"It's craze." He said to you.

Your eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

He sighed, putting down his pen and looked up at you. "It took you having J.J. for me to realize that maybe not all as I thought, your right when you said that it's not safe, I know that I can't get out that's not a choice, and for the three of you, being around me in general isn't safe, I don't want them to have to grow up without me around I don't want to be that dad."

"Then don't be that dad, 'break off the engagement'." You said with quotations with your fingers. "Eventually let's get married, wait a little longer, we can still be together-engaged- but until we get married, we can find another house, one that can be a secret-under my name- we can all be happy there, raise the kids there, and you can still do business, but no meetings there."

Bucky smiled. "How about we go back to sleep and talk about it in the morning."

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now