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 Earlier that day You, Bucky and Brooklyn whent to his mansion. You'd been in your old room with Brooklyn all afternoon helping her get ready, you curled her thick brown hair, and then put the on her, and helped her with her . You curled your hair and used with little blue stars to pin back one side, your was done with blue and gold eyeshadows, you were currently doing your mascara. "Momma I want some of that."

You looked at her. "Just a little, let me help you." You kneeled down, and did her maskara, lightly. "There." You smiled going back to do your , you unzipped the back of your , and stepped in pulling the straps over your shoulders and zipped it up and put on your you put on a final necklace-a that Bucky gave you when you'd first dated. There was a knock on the door, you and Brooklyn walked up to the door, and opened it to find Bucky, he looked you up with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Wow." You could see the hearts in his eyes.

You smiled. "Thank you." Bucky held out his arm for you to take, and led you out of the room, Brooklyn right by your side he led you to the staircase, the three of you walked down there were a bunch of guests. "I told you small, this is not small." You whispered Bucky smiled at you.

At the bottom of the stairs you were greeted by George and Winifred Bucky's parents. "You're still together?" George asked.

"Well it's good to see you too." You said, you turned to Bucky. "I'm gonna get her some juice or something." You and Brooklyn headed for anywhere but there.

Bucky looked at his father. "Really?"

"What I didn't know...who's that little girl?" George asked his son.

"My daughter." He told him.

George's eyes widened. "Really?"

Bucky nodded, Winnifred smiled. "That's grated James." She hugged her son.

You and Brooklyn talked to different guests when something or rather someone caused a loud crash of something, turning every one's attention to your mother. "Oh god." You hid your face in your hands out of embarrassment, you'd seen your dad around but you didn't care. But your-biological-mom being here was even worse than him, everyone went back to their conversation.

You saw some in a scarlet red come up beside you in the corner of your eye. "You good?" Wanda asked.

"What do you think?" You said looking at her.

Bucky came up to you next. "Who's that?" He asked.

"My mother." You sighed.

Bucky looked at you with furrowed brows. "How does she know about this?" You shrugged.

Then the sly smug bastard you called a father came up to the four of you. "I can help with that."

Your eyes widened. "What?" You asked with shock.

"I found her, then I told her about this lovely affair." He smiled.

Bucky looked at your father. "How did you find out about this?" He asked.

"Word gets around with connections." Tony told him.

The woman you called a mother stumbled over to the group of people. "Oh my god Y/n you look amazing."

Tony leans into your ear. "I bought the dress for her, she needed something to wear."

You smiled awkwardly. "Hi mom."

"Come on, give me a hug." She opened her arms for you.

"Hey um look how about we get you a coffee at least, so you can sober up a bit." You offered. "I'm sure someone can get you some."

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now