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The next morning you wake up in one of the guest bedrooms, your eyes still rimmed with red from the night before, you got out of bed and walked down the hall, and into the normally shared bedroom, between you and your boyfriend, he wasn't in their witch was normal for this time in the morning, you went into the big walk-in closet, and pulled out your luggage and layed it on the king-size bed, and then you walked back into the closet and started to take your clothes out, placing them in the suitcases, after you cleared out the closet you moved on to the drawers, and you started placing your underwear and pajamas in the smaller bag.

Bucky woke up in the big lonely bed, for a minute he was confused he looked around the room for you, and he even listened to hear if you were in the shower, but then he realized that you are never up before him, and the night before crashed on him like an avalanche, he threw the light-colored bed set that you had insisted on him getting for the room the both of you shared, you were a stressful person but he loved you, he pulled on his sweatpants, and a t-shirt, and left for his run, he came back and quietly opened the door to the bedroom, and found you, packing, "What are you doing?"

"Leaving," you told him, "You see I have this thing called freedom."

"You know what's gonna happen if you leave right? You know people are going to come after you, doll last night was an accident you know it," he said.

"In our type of relationship, you have to have trust, I know that you won't let anything happen to me," you told him as you zipped up both cases, and yanked them off of the bed, and rolled them out of the apartment.

Three years later

Little feet pattered across the hard floor of the apartment that you owed for the past couple of years, there was a lightweight on the bed you peeked your eyes opened to see bright blue ones, "Hey baby." you mumbled.

Three years prior

You had just gotten settled into your new apartment weeks prior you woke up feeling sick you ran into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and threw up what felt like your guts, and then came dry heaving, and then you went back to your normal life, this went on for a month and that was when you decided to go to the doctors, you got into your and drove off threw the busy streets of New York.

You pulled up to the doctor's office and walked in, and up to the counter, "Hi um I made an appointment yesterday, with doctor Banner."

"Yes," the receptionist typed something into the computer, "Mis. Y/n, here take this and put in all your symptoms, and birth year, gender basic paperwork," she instructed you took the clipboard and sat down and started to write all of the information down.

After you left Bucky had instructed Sam to watch over you, and send him updates on stuff, and so when he got a text that you arrived at a doctor's office, his concern shot threw the roof, and he eminently stared texting Sam at a fast speed asking what's wrong, Sam texted him telling him that it was probably just a check-up.

Banner collected you, "So you're experiencing nausea?"

"Ya, it happened out of nowhere I don't know if it's a stomach bug or something," you explained.

"It is very possible...but, stomach bugs usually involve stomach pain." he told you, "Have you had sexual intercourse with in the past six weeks?"

"Well, I and my ex were very active," you said.

"Well you could be having morning sickness," he said, "So I suggest an ultrasound."


"Hi mommy I want pancakes," your daughter said.

"How about we go to auntie Wanda's dinner?" you offered.


"Okay let mommy get dressed, and then I'll come help you get ready."

The King And His Queen / Think About Touching Her I Dare YouWhere stories live. Discover now