A Prince of Bengal

Start from the beginning

"Young master!" The servants peaked out from behind a corner. They brought a much needed smile to Y/N's face.

"Welcome hooome!" Finny's voice was as bright and cheery as his smile and green-teal eyes.

"You brought your servants with you this time?"

"Yes, it would be troublesome to leave them behind at the manor." Y/N could feel Sebastian's shudder when he thought of the ashes the manor could be reduced to... again. Y/N waved and rushed over to Mey-Rin blabbering nonsense, "And they provide a distraction for Miss Y/N." 

"Heeeeeey!" Y/N turned around and placed a hand on her chest, "I'm wounded, Mister Sebastian! Wounded!" Mey-Rin patted her on the back; she knew how it felt.

"Well! You must be worn out from the cold." Sebastian completely ignored Y/N. "I will have tea ready right away."

"Indeed. I would prefer Chai to English tea."

"Indeed, and I shall fetch you a cup as well, Miss Y/N."

"Oh, thank yo-" A chilling wind cut through the room before the doors behind them closed. Everyone turned to look at the uninvited guests.

"Eh? Wh-wh-" Ciel began to sputter and Y/N giggled as Soma and Agni took in the room.

"This is awfully small compared to my palace." Yup, still a brat.

"Why are you here?" Ciel was more than furious at the Indians' sudden arrival.

"What do you mean, why? We became acquainted but a moment ago. Have you forgotten me already?" Soma said it like it solved all the problems and questions asked and unsaid. The servants were just as confused as everyone else.

"We met in a street fight," Y/N deadpanned.

"And I rescued you."

"You sent your butler after us and had him try to beat us up!" Soma ignored Y/N once more and continued talking.

"In India, it is commonplace to invite your benefactors into your home and make them welcome. There's a saying that goes 'entertain your guests even if you have to sell off your heirlooms'."

"Well I hate to break it to you but I've become rather attached to Sebastian and it would be a shame to sell him so maybe we don't follow that saying." Y/N patted Sebastian's shoulder as she placed a hand on her hip and grimaced at the Prince's spoiled attitude.

"Hey, where's the bed?" Soma completely ignored her.

"Why a bed?" Lau asked. Somehow he seemed to give off the same airhead energy.

"In my country, one invites one's guests to one's bed to sit together in a circle, enjoying each other's company."

"Myyyyyy priiince!" No one noticed how Agni had slipped away from Soma. "Loooord Somaaaa! There is one heeeere!" He had gone up a staircase and probably walked into Y/N's room. She occupied one of the guest rooms when they stayed in the town house.

"That is well."

"Hey!! Listen to me!" Ciel shouted. Y/N snickered.

"Then, good." The Prince brushed past everyone else like they weren't even there and headed up the stairs, blue robes flapping behind him. "It is a tad small, but we shall stay here for a while. Much obliged."

"Wait, I think that's my room!" Y/N ran up the stairs after him. Sure enough they were in her room. It wasn't a mess or anything; she had kept it somewhat clean. But one of her bras was very much visible laying on a countertop. "This is where I stay, get out!"

"Agni can move your things. It is no trouble at all!" The prince assured her as he dove onto her bed. 

"Wait a minute! Why must I take care of you all of a sudden?"  Ciel dashed into the room and floored on the breaks when he noticed some of Y/N's clothing laying about. Y/N slapped a hand over his eyes before he had the misfortune of seeing her undergarments.

"Cover your eyes, kid. You don't want to see it as much as I don't want to show it to ya," Y/N grumbled as Ciel just nodded and replaced her hand with his own. 

"I haven't given any thought to other lodgings. Besides, is it custom for Englishmen to throw their benefactors out into the cold?"

"Moreover! Just who are you?" The young Earl continued to shout as Y/N hastily threw her clothes into drawers, face flushed red as she snatched a sock from Soma's hand.

"Me? I am a prince."

"A prince?" Sebastian was skeptical.

"With an attitude like that, I'd believe it." Y/N muttered as she slammed a drawer shut, very loudly.

"This gentleman is the twenty-sixth child of the Raja of Bengal, Prince Soma Asman Kadar," Agni introduced his master.

"We shall be imposing on you for a bit, runt."

"My Prince! Agni will make some Chai as a token of friendship! I will borrow the kitchen!" Agni beamed like the ray of pure sunshine that he was, "On a cold day, Chai full of ginger is the best."

"Ah! Please wait. If it is tea you want, I shall-" Sebastian sped after Agni but Y/N stopped him.

"I'll take Sunshine, you get Bratty McBrat out of my room. I don't care what you have to do and I'll make sure this guy doesn't get the tea leaves mixed up with rat poison." Y/N sped after Agni, leaving Sebastian to deal with the mess she left in the dust. "Wait up!"

Agni turned around and waited for her to catch up to him. "My apologies. Are you alright Miss..."

"Y/N, it's Y/N. And I would appreciate an apology for not only letting your brat take over my room but also for hitting me during that street fight!" Y/N walked past Agni and directed him towards the kitchen.

"Oh yes, many apologies Miss Y/N! I hope I did not cause you any harm!" He really was a sweetheart.

"You didn't but it still hurt!" That was a lie. It didn't even sting her, but she wanted him to feel some guilt for going after her.

"I must say, you are quite strong to have not fallen immobile. I hit many of your pressure points. Are you blessed by God as I am?" He looked through the cabinets looking for all he would need.

"Ha ha, not quite," Y/N chuckled, "I've just got thick skin. You, on the other hand, are truly blessed by God if you were able to take out all those guys so quickly."

"Thank you, Miss Y/N. It is true, my right hand is blessed by God." He warmed the water for the tea and began to ground ginger. "Your young master is quite the odd one. How did you come into his possession?"

"Oh, Ciel's not my master. I'm sort of like his over glorified caretaker of sorts. It's Sebastian's job to make sure he's got clean clothes and is in good health or whatever, but it's my job to make sure he stays out of harm's way and to help him with whatever he needs while on the job. I guess I'm like a coworker of his that lives with him."

"Oh. Is that an unusual arrangement, or is it common in English culture?"

"It's not, he just grew on me is all. They do that sometimes, ya know?" Y/N meeting Ciel and Soma meeting Agni had been two drastically different situations, but they yielded similar results.

"I do. Life is full of mysteries and wonder."

"That it is, my friend. That it is."

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