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ACT TWO, CHAPTER FIVElike mother, like daughter:volume two

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like mother, like daughter:
volume two.

PENELOPE STOOD IN the smallest bedroom where they had been spending most of their time, staring at the single long, coarse, curly black hair in a small phial, the exact same one that Hermione had plucked from the sweater she wore at Malfoy Manor

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PENELOPE STOOD IN the smallest bedroom where they had been spending most of their time, staring at the single long, coarse, curly black hair in a small phial, the exact same one that Hermione had plucked from the sweater she wore at Malfoy Manor. Her arms were crossed across her chest, staring at the hair so intently that she thought it would burst into flames.

The hair was horribly familiar. It belonged to none other than Bellatrix and had fallen on Hermione's sweater when she was torturing her. This plan was utterly ridiculous, but Penelope had instantly stepped up when they suggested Polyjuice Potion. Hermione had immediately refused, knowing that Penelope always wanted to separate herself from her mother, but Penelope was quick to reassure her that it was the only logical thing to do.

"Having me act like her is the most logical thing to do, Hermione," Penelope said. "I know how she talks, I know how she thinks. For Merlin's sake, I'm her fucking daughter. My last name isn't Lestrange for nothing. If I need to be a stone cold bitch, I'll be a stone cold bitch."

Harry then nodded to the curved walnut wand. "And you'll be using her actual wand, so I reckon you'll be pretty convincing."

Penelope reached out and picked up the wand, staring at it in disgust. "I hate this wand. It's the exact opposite of mine and now responds to me because I disarmed her . . . I hate that I have another bit of her."

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 ―  r. weasley ²  ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin